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*This page was autogenerated by `devil/utils/ --module-link`*
## DeviceStat
DeviceStat(st\_mode, st\_size, st\_time)
### DeviceStat.\_\_repr\_\_
Return a nicely formatted representation string
### DeviceStat.\_\_getnewargs\_\_
Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.
### DeviceStat.\_\_getstate\_\_
Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling
## AdbWrapper
A wrapper around a local Android Debug Bridge executable.
### AdbWrapper.GetDeviceSerial
Gets the device serial number associated with this object.
Device serial number as a string.
### AdbWrapper.Push
Pushes a file from the host to the device.
local: Path on the host filesystem.
remote: Path on the device filesystem.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Pull
Pulls a file from the device to the host.
remote: Path on the device filesystem.
local: Path on the host filesystem.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Shell
Runs a shell command on the device.
command: A string with the shell command to run.
expect_status: (optional) Check that the command's exit status matches
this value. Default is 0. If set to None the test is skipped.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
The output of the shell command as a string.
device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError: If the exit status doesn't match
### AdbWrapper.IterShell
Runs a shell command and returns an iterator over its output lines.
command: A string with the shell command to run.
timeout: Timeout in seconds.
The output of the command line by line.
### AdbWrapper.Ls
List the contents of a directory on the device.
path: Path on the device filesystem.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
A list of pairs (filename, stat) for each file found in the directory,
where the stat object has the properties: st_mode, st_size, and st_time.
AdbCommandFailedError if |path| does not specify a valid and accessible
directory in the device, or the output of "adb ls" command is less
than four columns
### AdbWrapper.Logcat
Get an iterable over the logcat output.
clear: If true, clear the logcat.
dump: If true, dump the current logcat contents.
filter_specs: If set, a list of specs to filter the logcat.
logcat_format: If set, the format in which the logcat should be output.
Options include "brief", "process", "tag", "thread", "raw", "time",
"threadtime", and "long"
ring_buffer: If set, a list of alternate ring buffers to request.
Options include "main", "system", "radio", "events", "crash" or "all".
The default is equivalent to ["main", "system", "crash"].
iter_timeout: If set and neither clear nor dump is set, the number of
seconds to wait between iterations. If no line is found before the
given number of seconds elapses, the iterable will yield None.
timeout: (optional) If set, timeout per try in seconds. If clear or dump
is set, defaults to DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.
retries: (optional) If clear or dump is set, the number of retries to
attempt. Otherwise, does nothing.
logcat output line by line.
### AdbWrapper.Forward
Forward socket connections from the local socket to the remote socket.
Sockets are specified by one of:
localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
dev:<character device name>
jdwp:<process pid> (remote only)
local: The host socket.
remote: The device socket.
allow_rebind: A boolean indicating whether adb may rebind a local socket;
otherwise, the default, an exception is raised if the local socket is
already being forwarded.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.ForwardRemove
Remove a forward socket connection.
local: The host socket.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.ForwardList
List all currently forwarded socket connections.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
The output of adb forward --list as a string.
### AdbWrapper.JDWP
List of PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
A list of PIDs as strings.
### AdbWrapper.Install
Install an apk on the device.
apk_path: Host path to the APK file.
forward_lock: (optional) If set forward-locks the app.
allow_downgrade: (optional) If set, allows for downgrades.
reinstall: (optional) If set reinstalls the app, keeping its data.
sd_card: (optional) If set installs on the SD card.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.InstallMultiple
Install an apk with splits on the device.
apk_paths: Host path to the APK file.
forward_lock: (optional) If set forward-locks the app.
reinstall: (optional) If set reinstalls the app, keeping its data.
sd_card: (optional) If set installs on the SD card.
allow_downgrade: (optional) Allow versionCode downgrade.
partial: (optional) Package ID if apk_paths doesn't include all .apks.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Uninstall
Remove the app |package| from the device.
package: The package to uninstall.
keep_data: (optional) If set keep the data and cache directories.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Backup
Write an archive of the device's data to |path|.
path: Local path to store the backup file.
packages: List of to packages to be backed up.
apk: (optional) If set include the .apk files in the archive.
shared: (optional) If set buckup the device's SD card.
nosystem: (optional) If set exclude system applications.
include_all: (optional) If set back up all installed applications and
|packages| is optional.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Restore
Restore device contents from the backup archive.
path: Host path to the backup archive.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.WaitForDevice
Block until the device is online.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.GetState
Get device state.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
One of 'offline', 'bootloader', or 'device'.
### AdbWrapper.GetDevPath
Gets the device path.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
The device path (e.g. usb:3-4)
### AdbWrapper.Remount
Remounts the /system partition on the device read-write.
### AdbWrapper.Reboot
Reboots the device.
to_bootloader: (optional) If set reboots to the bootloader.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Root
Restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions, if possible.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### AdbWrapper.Emu
Runs an emulator console command.
cmd: The command to run on the emulator console.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
The output of the emulator console command.
### AdbWrapper.DisableVerity
Disable Marshmallow's Verity security feature
### AdbWrapper.EnableVerity
Enable Marshmallow's Verity security feature
### AdbWrapper.\_\_init\_\_
Initializes the AdbWrapper.
device_serial: The device serial number as a string.
### AdbWrapper.\_\_eq\_\_
Consider instances equal if they refer to the same device.
other: The instance to compare equality with.
True if the instances are considered equal, false otherwise.
### AdbWrapper.\_\_str\_\_
The string representation of an instance.
The device serial number as a string.
### AdbWrapper.\_\_repr\_\_
### VerifyLocalFileExists
Verifies a local file exists.
path: Path to the local file.
IOError: If the file doesn't exist.