import adbutils from helpers import root import os import sys def recovery_boot(): adb = "platform-tools\\adb.exe" adbcheck = os.popen(adb+" devices").read() if "recovery" in adbcheck: pass else: device = root.adb_connect() root.twrp_download(device) root.reboot_bootloader() adb = "platform-tools\\adb.exe" fastboot = "platform-tools\\fastboot.exe" files = os.listdir(os.curdir) for file in files: if "twrp" in file: twrp = file else: twrploc = 0 while twrploc == 0: input("TWRP not found. Please ensure it is in the correct location and press enter to continue. ") files = os.listdir(os.curdir) for file in files: if "twrp" in file: twrp = file twrploc = 1 os.system(fastboot + " boot "+twrp) input("Press Enter when TWRP has booted") def list_apps(): adb = "platform-tools\\adb.exe" apps = os.popen(adb+" shell (ls /data/data)").read() app_array = apps.split("\n") for i in app_array: print(i) def download_app(o=None): app = input("Please enter the name of the app you would like to download: ") adb = "platform-tools\\adb.exe" os.system(adb+" shell (cp -R /data/data/"+app+" /sdcard/"+app+")") if o == None: output = input("Please enter the output directory for the app files. Leave blank to download to current directory: ") if output != None: os.makedirs(output) os.system(adb+" pull /sdcard/"+app+" "+output) else: os.system(adb+" pull /sdcard/"+app) else: if os.path.isdir(o) == False: os.makedirs(o) os.system(adb+" pull /sdcard/"+app+" "+o) def app_extract(output=None): recovery_boot() list_apps() download_app(output) def extract_menu(): while True: print("How would you like to extract data") print("[1] App extraction\n[2] Whole Phone Extraction (via Android Backup)(COMING SOON)\n[3] Whole Phone Extraction (via adb shell)(COMING SOON)\n[99] Main Menu") choice = input() if int(choice) == 1: app_extract() elif int(choice) == 2: print() elif int(choice) == 3: print() elif int(choice) == 99: break