# amt.py """ Code to interact with an android device using ADB Written by Kevin Rode Last Updated Sep 28 2019 """ import sys from helpers import root def menu(): while True: print("[1] Root Device (WIP)\n[2] Extract Data (Coming Soon)\n[99] Quit") choice = input("Please select a number: ") if int(choice) == 1: root.root_device() elif int(choice) == 2: print("Data extraction is coming soon.") time.sleep(2) elif int(choice) == 99: print("Goodbye!") sys.exit() def show_help(): print("Android Mobile Toolkit v1.1") print("Written by Kevin Rode (kevroded)") print() print("Run with amt.exe [options]") print() print("OPTIONS:") print(" --interactive : start the utility in a mode with a menu for the user to select options on") print(" -i : alias for --interactive") print(" --root : root a connected Android device") print(" -r : alias for --root") print(" --help : print this message") print(" -h : alias for --help") def main(): if "--interactive" in sys.argv[1:] or "-i" in sys.argv[1:]: root.adb_start() menu() elif "--root" in sys.argv[1:] or "-r" in sys.argv[1:]: root.root_device() elif "--help" in sys.argv[1:] or "-h" in sys.argv[1:]: show_help() else: show_help() main()