from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import get import spotipy, urllib, re, discord, json, os, asyncio, configparser from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from spotipy import util client = discord.Client() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='>') bot.mapping = {} bot.playlist = {} config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') def authenticate(): scope = 'playlist-modify playlist-modify-private' token = util.prompt_for_user_token( username=config['spotify']['username'], scope=scope, client_id=config['spotify']['client_id'], client_secret=config['spotify']['client_secret'], redirect_uri=config['spotify']['redirect_uri'] ) return token def addToPlaylist(authToken, username, playlistName, songName): if authToken: spotifyObject = spotipy.Spotify(authToken) spotifyObject.trace = False spotifyObject.user_playlist_add_tracks(username, playlistName, songName) def lookupSong(authToken, *s): s = s[0] if authToken: song_uri_list = [] spotifyObject = spotipy.Spotify(authToken) spotifyObject.trace = False if '' in s: song_uri = re.split('\w+:\/\/\w+.\w+.\w+\/\w+\/(\w+)',s) song_uri_list.append(song_uri[1]) else: s_encode = urllib.parse.quote_plus(s) ret =, limit=5) ret = ret['tracks']['items'] if ret == []: ret =, limit=5, market='GB') ret = ret['tracks']['items'] for i in ret: song_url = ret[ret.index(i)]['external_urls']['spotify'] song_uri = re.split('\w+:\/\/\w+.\w+.\w+\/\w+\/(\w+)',song_url) song_uri_list.append(song_uri[1]) return song_uri_list def createPlaylist(authToken, username, server): sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=authToken) sp.user_playlist_create(username, name=str(server)) def setPlaylist(authToken,server,username): playlist_id = '' sp = spotipy.Spotify(authToken) playlists = sp.user_playlists(username) for playlist in playlists['items']: if playlist['name'] == server: playlist_id = playlist['id'] sp.playlist_change_details(playlist_id,public=False, collaborative=True) return playlist_id def deletePlaylist(authToken, playlist): sp = spotipy.Spotify(authToken) sp.user_playlist_unfollow(config['spotify']['username'],playlist) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('-----') activity = discord.Activity(name="type '>help' for help", type=discord.ActivityType.listening) await bot.change_presence(activity=activity) if os.path.isfile('playlist.json'): j = open('playlist.json', "r") bot.playlist = json.load(j) @bot.command(brief='>resync',description='Forces the bot to resync with the local storage of users and playlists') async def resync(ctx): if os.path.isfile('playlist.json'): f = open('playlist.json', "r") bot.playlist = json.load(f) @bot.command(brief='>removePlaylist', description='Removes the currently created playlist') @commands.has_guild_permissions(administrator=True) async def removePlaylist(ctx): token = authenticate() try: deletePlaylist(token,bot.playlist[str(]) except KeyError: pass try: del bot.playlist[str(] if os.path.isfile('playlist.json'): with open('playlist.json',"w") as outfile: json.dump(bot.playlist,outfile) await ctx.send('Playlist deleted!') except KeyError: await ctx.send('This server does not have a playlist') @bot.command(brief='>playlist',description='Use to specify the playlist that songs should be added to') @commands.has_guild_permissions(administrator=True) async def playlist(ctx): try: bot.playlist[str(] except KeyError: token = authenticate() createPlaylist(token, config['spotify']['username'],str( bot.playlist[str(] = setPlaylist(token,str(,config['spotify']['username']) with open('playlist.json',"w") as outfile: json.dump(bot.playlist,outfile) await ctx.send('Playlist' + bot.playlist[str(]+' has been created!') return await ctx.send('This server already has a playlist') @bot.command(brief='>addsong [song_name]',description='Allows a user to add a song to the playlist') async def addsong(ctx, *song): if len(song) > 1: song = ' '.join(song) else: song = song[0] def check(m: discord.Message): # m = discord.Message. return == and == try: authToken = authenticate() except KeyError: await ctx.send('You need to connect your account first with `>connect [account name]`') return uri_list = lookupSong(authToken,song) i = 1 for uri in uri_list: await ctx.send(str(i)+':'+uri) i+=1 await ctx.send(f"***Send the number of the song to add to the playlist***") try: msg = await bot.wait_for('message', check=lambda message: ==, timeout = 60.0) except asyncio.TimeoutError: # at this point, the check didn't become True, let's handle it. await ctx.send(f"**{}**, you didn't send any message that meets the check in this channel for 60 seconds..") return else: if int(msg.content) == 1: uri = uri_list[0] elif int(msg.content) == 2: uri = uri_list[1] elif int(msg.content) == 3: uri = uri_list[2] elif int(msg.content) == 4: uri = uri_list[3] elif int(msg.content) == 5: uri = uri_list[4] try: addToPlaylist(authToken, config['spotify']['username'], bot.playlist[str(], [uri]) except KeyError: await ctx.send('Playlist must be set with `>playlist [spotify_url]`') return playlist_url = ''+bot.playlist[str(] await ctx.send('Playlist '+playlist_url+' has been updated!')['discord']['bot_token'])