
338 lines
12 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

from __future__ import absolute_import
import ast
import sys
import zlib
import warnings
import json
import numpy as np
from ..handlers import BaseHandler, register, unregister
from ..compat import numeric_types
from ..util import b64decode, b64encode
from .. import compat
__all__ = ['register_handlers', 'unregister_handlers']
native_byteorder = '<' if sys.byteorder == 'little' else '>'
def get_byteorder(arr):
"""translate equals sign to native order"""
byteorder = arr.dtype.byteorder
return native_byteorder if byteorder == '=' else byteorder
class NumpyBaseHandler(BaseHandler):
def flatten_dtype(self, dtype, data):
if hasattr(dtype, 'tostring'):
data['dtype'] = dtype.tostring()
dtype = compat.ustr(dtype)
prefix = '(numpy.record, '
if dtype.startswith(prefix):
dtype = dtype[len(prefix) : -1]
data['dtype'] = dtype
def restore_dtype(self, data):
dtype = data['dtype']
if dtype.startswith(('{', '[')):
dtype = ast.literal_eval(dtype)
return np.dtype(dtype)
class NumpyDTypeHandler(NumpyBaseHandler):
def flatten(self, obj, data):
self.flatten_dtype(obj, data)
return data
def restore(self, data):
return self.restore_dtype(data)
class NumpyGenericHandler(NumpyBaseHandler):
def flatten(self, obj, data):
self.flatten_dtype(obj.dtype.newbyteorder('N'), data)
data['value'] = self.context.flatten(obj.tolist(), reset=False)
return data
def restore(self, data):
value = self.context.restore(data['value'], reset=False)
return self.restore_dtype(data).type(value)
class NumpyNDArrayHandler(NumpyBaseHandler):
"""Stores arrays as text representation, without regard for views"""
def flatten_flags(self, obj, data):
if obj.flags.writeable is False:
data['writeable'] = False
def restore_flags(self, data, arr):
if not data.get('writeable', True):
arr.flags.writeable = False
def flatten(self, obj, data):
self.flatten_dtype(obj.dtype.newbyteorder('N'), data)
self.flatten_flags(obj, data)
data['values'] = self.context.flatten(obj.tolist(), reset=False)
if 0 in obj.shape:
# add shape information explicitly as it cannot be
# inferred from an empty list
data['shape'] = obj.shape
return data
def restore(self, data):
values = self.context.restore(data['values'], reset=False)
arr = np.array(
values, dtype=self.restore_dtype(data), order=data.get('order', 'C')
shape = data.get('shape', None)
if shape is not None:
arr = arr.reshape(shape)
self.restore_flags(data, arr)
return arr
class NumpyNDArrayHandlerBinary(NumpyNDArrayHandler):
"""stores arrays with size greater than 'size_threshold' as
(optionally) compressed base64
This would be easier to implement using, but
that would be less language-agnostic
def __init__(self, size_threshold=16, compression=zlib):
:param size_threshold: nonnegative int or None
valid values for 'size_threshold' are all nonnegative
integers and None
if size_threshold is None, values are always stored as nested lists
:param compression: a compression module or None
valid values for 'compression' are {zlib, bz2, None}
if compresion is None, no compression is applied
self.size_threshold = size_threshold
self.compression = compression
def flatten_byteorder(self, obj, data):
byteorder = obj.dtype.byteorder
if byteorder != '|':
data['byteorder'] = get_byteorder(obj)
def restore_byteorder(self, data, arr):
byteorder = data.get('byteorder', None)
if byteorder:
arr.dtype = arr.dtype.newbyteorder(byteorder)
def flatten(self, obj, data):
"""encode numpy to json"""
if self.size_threshold is None or self.size_threshold >= obj.size:
# encode as text
data = super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerBinary, self).flatten(obj, data)
# encode as binary
if obj.dtype == np.object:
# There's a bug deep in the bowels of numpy that causes a
# segfault when round-tripping an ndarray of dtype object.
# E.g., the following will result in a segfault:
# import numpy as np
# arr = np.array([str(i) for i in range(3)],
# dtype=np.object)
# dtype = arr.dtype
# shape = arr.shape
# buf = arr.tobytes()
# del arr
# arr = np.ndarray(buffer=buf, dtype=dtype,
# shape=shape).copy()
# So, save as a binary-encoded list in this case
buf = json.dumps(obj.tolist()).encode()
elif hasattr(obj, 'tobytes'):
# numpy docstring is lacking as of 1.11.2,
# but this is the option we need
buf = obj.tobytes(order='a')
# numpy < 1.9 compatibility
buf = obj.tostring(order='a')
if self.compression:
buf = self.compression.compress(buf)
data['values'] = b64encode(buf)
data['shape'] = obj.shape
self.flatten_dtype(obj.dtype.newbyteorder('N'), data)
self.flatten_byteorder(obj, data)
self.flatten_flags(obj, data)
if not obj.flags.c_contiguous:
data['order'] = 'F'
return data
def restore(self, data):
"""decode numpy from json"""
values = data['values']
if isinstance(values, list):
# decode text representation
arr = super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerBinary, self).restore(data)
elif isinstance(values, numeric_types):
# single-value array
arr = np.array([values], dtype=self.restore_dtype(data))
# decode binary representation
dtype = self.restore_dtype(data)
buf = b64decode(values)
if self.compression:
buf = self.compression.decompress(buf)
# See note above about segfault bug for numpy dtype object. Those
# are saved as a list to work around that.
if dtype == np.object:
values = json.loads(buf.decode())
arr = np.array(values, dtype=dtype, order=data.get('order', 'C'))
shape = data.get('shape', None)
if shape is not None:
arr = arr.reshape(shape)
arr = np.ndarray(
order=data.get('order', 'C'),
).copy() # make a copy, to force the result to own the data
self.restore_byteorder(data, arr)
self.restore_flags(data, arr)
return arr
class NumpyNDArrayHandlerView(NumpyNDArrayHandlerBinary):
"""Pickles references inside ndarrays, or array-views
The current implementation has some restrictions.
'base' arrays, or arrays which are viewed by other arrays,
must be f-or-c-contiguous.
This is not such a large restriction in practice, because all
numpy array creation is c-contiguous by default.
Relaxing this restriction would be nice though; especially if
it can be done without bloating the design too much.
Furthermore, ndarrays which are views of array-like objects
implementing __array_interface__,
but which are not themselves nd-arrays, are deepcopied with
a warning (by default),
as we cannot guarantee whatever custom logic such classes
implement is correctly reproduced.
def __init__(self, mode='warn', size_threshold=16, compression=zlib):
:param mode: {'warn', 'raise', 'ignore'}
How to react when encountering array-like objects whos
references we cannot safely serialize
:param size_threshold: nonnegative int or None
valid values for 'size_threshold' are all nonnegative
integers and None
if size_threshold is None, values are always stored as nested lists
:param compression: a compression module or None
valid values for 'compression' are {zlib, bz2, None}
if compresion is None, no compression is applied
super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerView, self).__init__(size_threshold, compression)
self.mode = mode
def flatten(self, obj, data):
"""encode numpy to json"""
base = obj.base
if base is None and obj.flags.forc:
# store by value
data = super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerView, self).flatten(obj, data)
# ensure that views on arrays stored as text
# are interpreted correctly
if not obj.flags.c_contiguous:
data['order'] = 'F'
elif isinstance(base, np.ndarray) and base.flags.forc:
# store by reference
data['base'] = self.context.flatten(base, reset=False)
offset = -
if offset:
data['offset'] = offset
if not obj.flags.c_contiguous:
data['strides'] = obj.strides
data['shape'] = obj.shape
self.flatten_dtype(obj.dtype.newbyteorder('N'), data)
self.flatten_flags(obj, data)
if get_byteorder(obj) != '|':
byteorder = 'S' if get_byteorder(obj) != get_byteorder(base) else None
if byteorder:
data['byteorder'] = byteorder
if self.size_threshold is None or self.size_threshold >= obj.size:
# not used in restore since base is present, but
# include values for human-readability
super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerBinary, self).flatten(obj, data)
# store a deepcopy or fail
if self.mode == 'warn':
msg = (
"ndarray is defined by reference to an object "
"we do not know how to serialize. "
"A deep copy is serialized instead, breaking "
"memory aliasing."
elif self.mode == 'raise':
msg = (
"ndarray is defined by reference to an object we do "
"not know how to serialize."
raise ValueError(msg)
data = super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerView, self).flatten(obj.copy(), data)
return data
def restore(self, data):
"""decode numpy from json"""
base = data.get('base', None)
if base is None:
# decode array with owndata=True
arr = super(NumpyNDArrayHandlerView, self).restore(data)
# decode array view, which references the data of another array
base = self.context.restore(base, reset=False)
assert (
), "Current implementation assumes base is C or F contiguous"
arr = np.ndarray(,
dtype=self.restore_dtype(data).newbyteorder(data.get('byteorder', '|')),
offset=data.get('offset', 0),
strides=data.get('strides', None),
self.restore_flags(data, arr)
return arr
def register_handlers():
register(np.dtype, NumpyDTypeHandler, base=True)
register(np.generic, NumpyGenericHandler, base=True)
register(np.ndarray, NumpyNDArrayHandlerView(), base=True)
def unregister_handlers():