2020-12-21 04:46:12 -05:00
def large_scale_debug ( ) : #massive debug, goes in games.py
average_player = player ( ' { " id " : " average " , " name " : " average " , " batting_stars " : 2.5, " pitching_stars " : 2.5, " defense_stars " : 2.5, " baserunning_stars " : 2.5} ' )
max_player = player ( ' { " id " : " max " , " name " : " max " , " batting_stars " : 5, " pitching_stars " : 5, " defense_stars " : 5, " baserunning_stars " : 5} ' )
min_player = player ( ' { " id " : " min " , " name " : " min " , " batting_stars " : 1, " pitching_stars " : 1, " defense_stars " : 1, " baserunning_stars " : 1} ' )
team_avg = team ( )
team_avg . add_lineup ( average_player )
team_avg . set_pitcher ( average_player )
team_avg . finalize ( )
team_max = team ( )
team_max . add_lineup ( max_player )
team_max . set_pitcher ( max_player )
team_max . finalize ( )
team_min = team ( )
team_min . add_lineup ( min_player )
team_min . set_pitcher ( min_player )
team_min . finalize ( )
average_game = game ( team_avg , team_avg )
slugging_game = game ( team_max , team_min )
shutout_game = game ( team_min , team_max )
hit_count_avg = 0
walk_count_avg = 0
home_run_avg = 0
so_avg = 0
fo_avg = 0
go_avg = 0
for i in range ( 0 , 10000 ) :
ab = average_game . at_bat ( )
if ab [ " ishit " ] :
hit_count_avg + = 1
if ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . homerun :
home_run_avg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . walk :
walk_count_avg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . strikeoutlooking or ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . strikeoutswinging :
so_avg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . groundout :
go_avg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . flyout :
fo_avg + = 1
hit_count_slg = 0
walk_count_slg = 0
home_run_slg = 0
fo_slg = 0
go_slg = 0
so_slg = 0
for i in range ( 0 , 10000 ) :
ab = slugging_game . at_bat ( )
if ab [ " ishit " ] :
hit_count_slg + = 1
if ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . homerun :
home_run_slg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . walk :
walk_count_slg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . strikeoutlooking or ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . strikeoutswinging :
so_slg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . groundout :
go_slg + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . flyout :
fo_slg + = 1
hit_count_sht = 0
walk_count_sht = 0
home_run_sht = 0
go_sht = 0
fo_sht = 0
so_sht = 0
for i in range ( 0 , 10000 ) :
ab = shutout_game . at_bat ( )
if ab [ " ishit " ] :
hit_count_sht + = 1
if ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . homerun :
home_run_sht + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . walk :
walk_count_sht + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . strikeoutlooking or ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . strikeoutswinging :
so_sht + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . groundout :
go_sht + = 1
elif ab [ " text " ] == appearance_outcomes . flyout :
fo_sht + = 1
return ( hit_count_avg , walk_count_avg , hit_count_slg , walk_count_slg , hit_count_sht , walk_count_sht , home_run_avg , home_run_slg , home_run_sht , so_avg , so_slg , so_sht , go_avg , go_slg , go_sht , fo_avg , fo_slg , fo_sht )
# massive debug function, companion to above. goes in the_prestige
# elif command == "testabs":
# result = games.large_scale_debug()
# await msg.channel.send(f"over 10000 atbats, average player vs average pitcher achieved avg {(result[0]/(10000-result[1]))} and walk rate {result[1]/10000}.")
# await msg.channel.send(f"over 10000 atbats, max player vs min pitcher achieved avg {(result[2]/(10000-result[3]))} and walk rate {result[3]/10000}.")
# await msg.channel.send(f"over 10000 atbats, min player vs max pitcher achieved avg {(result[4]/(10000-result[5]))} and walk rate {result[5]/10000}.")
# await msg.channel.send(f"""there were {result[6]}, {result[7]}, and {result[8]} home runs, respectively.
# there were {result[9]}, {result[10]}, and {result[11]} strikeouts, respectively.
# there were {result[12]}, {result[13]}, and {result[14]} groundouts, respectively.
# there were {result[15]}, {result[16]}, and {result[17]} flyouts, respectively.""")
2020-12-24 04:51:38 -05:00
def debug_game ( ) : #returns a game object ready to run
average_player = player ( ' { " id " : " average " , " name " : " AJ " , " batting_stars " : 2.5, " pitching_stars " : 2.5, " defense_stars " : 2.5, " baserunning_stars " : 2.5} ' )
average_player2 = player ( ' { " id " : " average " , " name " : " Astrid " , " batting_stars " : 2.5, " pitching_stars " : 2.5, " defense_stars " : 2.5, " baserunning_stars " : 2.5} ' )
average_player3 = player ( ' { " id " : " average " , " name " : " xvi " , " batting_stars " : 2.5, " pitching_stars " : 2.5, " defense_stars " : 2.5, " baserunning_stars " : 2.5} ' )
average_player4 = player ( ' { " id " : " average " , " name " : " Fox " , " batting_stars " : 2.5, " pitching_stars " : 2.5, " defense_stars " : 2.5, " baserunning_stars " : 2.5} ' )
average_player5 = player ( ' { " id " : " average " , " name " : " Pigeon " , " batting_stars " : 2.5, " pitching_stars " : 2.5, " defense_stars " : 2.5, " baserunning_stars " : 2.5} ' )
max_player = player ( ' { " id " : " max " , " name " : " max " , " batting_stars " : 5, " pitching_stars " : 5, " defense_stars " : 5, " baserunning_stars " : 5} ' )
min_player = player ( ' { " id " : " min " , " name " : " min " , " batting_stars " : 1, " pitching_stars " : 1, " defense_stars " : 1, " baserunning_stars " : 1} ' )
team_avg = team ( )
team_avg . name = " Arizona Aways "
team_avg . add_lineup ( average_player )
team_avg . add_lineup ( average_player2 )
team_avg . add_lineup ( average_player3 )
team_avg . add_lineup ( average_player4 )
team_avg . set_pitcher ( average_player5 )
team_avg . finalize ( )
team_avg2 = team ( )
team_avg2 . name = " Houston Homes "
team_avg2 . add_lineup ( average_player5 )
team_avg2 . add_lineup ( average_player4 )
team_avg2 . add_lineup ( average_player3 )
team_avg2 . add_lineup ( average_player2 )
team_avg2 . set_pitcher ( average_player )
team_avg2 . finalize ( )
team_min = team ( )
team_min . add_lineup ( min_player )
team_min . set_pitcher ( min_player )
team_min . finalize ( )
average_game = game ( " test " , team_avg , team_avg2 )
#slugging_game = game(team_max, team_min)
#shutout_game = game(team_min, team_max)
return average_game