diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d60efe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of +Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or +other relationship. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related +information available on an "as-is" basis. Creative Commons gives no +warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their +terms and conditions, or any related information. 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- justify-self: stretch; text-align: center; display: flex; flex-direction: column; @@ -20,6 +19,9 @@ border-right: none; border-bottom: none; height: min-content; + width: 100%; + min-width: 32rem; + max-width: 44rem; } .header { diff --git a/static/css/game_page.css b/static/css/game_page.css index e707284..69f0cc7 100644 --- a/static/css/game_page.css +++ b/static/css/game_page.css @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ #game_container { - margin-top: 50px; + margin-top: 3rem; + margin-left: 1rem; + margin-right: 1rem; display: flex; justify-content: space-around; -} - -.game { - width: 33%; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/css/games_page.css b/static/css/games_page.css index 213fde7..d8d9e02 100644 --- a/static/css/games_page.css +++ b/static/css/games_page.css @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ .container { display: grid; - grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(500px, 1fr)); + grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(32rem, 1fr)); grid-gap: 50px 30px; /*space between rows, then columns*/ - align-items: center; - justify-items: center; grid-auto-flow: row; } .emptyslot, .game { - min-height: 298px; + min-height: 18.75rem; + justify-self: center; + max-width: 44rem; } #filters { @@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ border: none; min-height: 0px; } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/static/js/grid_loader.js b/static/js/grid_loader.js index abaca9a..39ba154 100644 --- a/static/js/grid_loader.js +++ b/static/js/grid_loader.js @@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ const updateGames = (json, filter) => { if (!Array.prototype.slice.call(grid.children).some(x => x.timestamp == game.timestamp)) { for (var slotnum = 0; true; slotnum++) { //this is really a while loop but shh don't tell anyone if (slotnum >= grid.children.length) { - for (var i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { - insertEmpty(grid); - } + insertEmpty(grid); } if (grid.children[slotnum].className == "emptyslot") { insertGame(slotnum, game); @@ -68,17 +66,9 @@ const updateGames = (json, filter) => { }; }; } - }; - //remove last rows if not needed - while (grid.children[grid.children.length-1].className == "emptyslot" && - grid.children[grid.children.length-2].className == "emptyslot" && - grid.children[grid.children.length-3].className == "emptyslot" && - grid.children.length > 3) { - for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - grid.removeChild(grid.children[grid.children.length-1]); - } - } + fillgrid(grid) + }; } const insertEmpty = (grid) => { @@ -98,17 +88,42 @@ const insertGame = (gridboxnum, game) => { const insertLeague = (league) => { var btn = document.createElement("BUTTON"); btn.className = "filter"; - btn.innerHTML = league; + btn.innerHTML = escapeHtml(league); $('#filters').append(btn); return btn; } +function escapeHtml(unsafe) { + return unsafe + .replace(/&/g, "&") + .replace(//g, ">") + .replace(/"/g, """) + .replace(/'/g, "'"); + } + const clearBox = (box) => { box.className = "emptyslot"; box.timestamp = null; box.innerHTML = ""; } +const fillgrid = (grid) => { + var gridwidth = window.getComputedStyle(grid).getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns').split(" ").length //hack to get number of grid columns + + // add cells to fill last row + while (grid.children.length % gridwidth != 0) { + insertEmpty(grid) + } + + //remove last rows if not needed + while (grid.children.length > gridwidth && Array.prototype.slice.call(grid.children).slice(grid.children.length - gridwidth).every( x => x.className == 'emptyslot')) { + for (var i = 0; i < gridwidth; i++) { + grid.removeChild(grid.children[grid.children.length-1]); + } + } +} + const updateLeagues = (games) => { //get all leagues var leagues = [] @@ -165,4 +180,8 @@ window.onpopstate = function(e) { $('#filters .filter').each(function(i) { if (this.textContent == 'All') { this.id = 'selected_filter' }}) updateGames(lastupdate, "All"); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} + +window.addEventListener('resize', function(e) { + fillgrid(grid) +}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/game_box.html b/templates/game_box.html index c4d1d1d..d94ac25 100644 --- a/templates/game_box.html +++ b/templates/game_box.html @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ src={% if state.bases[number] %}"/static/img/base_filled.png" alt="{{state.bases {% if number <= state.outs %}/static/img/out_out.png{% else %}/static/img/out_in.png{% endif %} {%- endmacro %}
Inning: {% if state.display_top_of_inning == true %}🔼{% else %}🔽{% endif %} {{ state.display_inning }}/{{ state.max_innings }}
{{ state.title }}
{{ state.weather_emoji }} {{ state.weather_text }}
Inning: {% if state.display_top_of_inning == true %}🔼{% else %}🔽{% endif %} {{ state.display_inning | escape }}/{{ state.max_innings | escape }}
{{ state.title | escape }}
{{ state.weather_emoji | escape }} {{ state.weather_text | escape }}
{{ state.away_name }}
{{ state.away_name | escape }}
{{ state.away_score }}
{{ state.home_name }}
{{ state.home_name | escape }}
{{ state.home_score }}
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ src={% if state.bases[number] %}"/static/img/base_filled.png" alt="{{state.bases
{{ state.pitcher }}
{{ state.pitcher | escape }}
{{ state.batter }}
{{ state.batter | escape }}
{{ state.update_emoji }}
{{ state.update_text }}
{{ state.update_emoji | escape }}
{{ state.update_text | escape }}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/the_prestige.py b/the_prestige.py index 20d0cd0..17da3af 100644 --- a/the_prestige.py +++ b/the_prestige.py @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import discord, json, math, os, roman, games, asyncio, random, main_controller, import database as db import onomancer as ono from flask import Flask +from uuid import uuid4 class Command: @@ -499,17 +500,52 @@ class StartTournamentCommand(Command): return to_parse = command.split("\n")[0] + if "--rounddelay " in to_parse: try: - round_delay = int(to_parse.split("--rounddelay ")[1].split(" ")[0]) + round_delay = int(to_parse.split("--rounddelay ")[1].split("-")[0].strip()) except ValueError: await msg.channel.send("The delay between rounds should be a whole number.") return if round_delay < 1 or round_delay > 120: - await msg.channel.send("The delay between rounds has to be between 1 and 120 minutes.") + await msg.channel.send("The delay between rounds has to bebetween 1 and 120 minutes.") + return else: round_delay = 10 + if "--bestof " in command.split("\n")[0]: + try: + series_length = int(to_parse.split("--bestof ")[1].split("-")[0].strip()) + if series_length % 2 == 0 or series_length < 0: + raise ValueError + except ValueError: + await msg.channel.send("Series length has to be an odd positive integer.") + return + if msg.author.id not in config()["owners"] and series_length > 21: + await msg.channel.send("That's too long, boss. We have to run patches *some* time.") + return + else: + series_length = 5 + + if "--finalsbestof " in command.split("\n")[0]: + try: + finals_series_length = int(to_parse.split("--finalsbestof ")[1].split("-")[0].strip()) + if finals_series_length % 2 == 0 or finals_series_length < 0: + raise ValueError + except ValueError: + await msg.channel.send("Finals series length has to be an odd positive integer.") + return + if msg.author.id not in config()["owners"] and finals_series_length > 21: + await msg.channel.send("That's too long, boss. We have to run patches *some* time.") + return + else: + finals_series_length = 7 + + rand_seed = not "--seeding stars" in command.split("\n")[0] + + + + tourney_name = command.split("\n")[1] list_of_team_names = command.split("\n")[2:] team_dic = {} @@ -529,8 +565,8 @@ class StartTournamentCommand(Command): id = random.randint(1111,9999) - tourney = leagues.tournament(tourney_name, team_dic, id=id, secs_between_rounds = round_delay * 60) - tourney.build_bracket(random_sort = True) + tourney = leagues.tournament(tourney_name, team_dic, series_length = series_length, finals_series_length = finals_series_length, id=id, secs_between_rounds = round_delay * 60) + tourney.build_bracket(random_sort = rand_seed) await start_tournament_round(channel, tourney) @@ -781,15 +817,15 @@ async def watch_game(channel, newgame, user = None, league = None): state_init["is_league"] = False - timestamp = str(time.time() * 1000.0) - ext = "?game="+timestamp + id = str(uuid4()) + ext = "?game="+id if league is not None: ext += "&league=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(league) await channel.send(f"{newgame.teams['away'].name} vs. {newgame.teams['home'].name}, starting at {config()['simmadome_url']+ext}") - gamesarray.append((newgame, channel, user, timestamp)) + gamesarray.append((newgame, channel, user, id)) - main_controller.master_games_dic[timestamp] = (newgame, state_init, discrim_string) + main_controller.master_games_dic[id] = (newgame, state_init, discrim_string) def prepare_game(newgame, league = None, weather_name = None): if weather_name is None: @@ -836,12 +872,17 @@ async def start_tournament_round(channel, tourney, seeding = None): this_game, state_init = prepare_game(this_game) state_init["is_league"] = True - state_init["title"] = f"0 - 0" + + if tourney.round_check(): + series_string = f"Best of {tourney.finals_length}:" + else: + series_string = f"Best of {tourney.series_length}:" + state_init["title"] = f"{series_string} 0 - 0" discrim_string = tourney.name - timestamp = str(time.time() * 1000.0 + random.randint(0,3000)) - current_games.append((this_game, timestamp)) - main_controller.master_games_dic[timestamp] = (this_game, state_init, discrim_string) + id = str(uuid4()) + current_games.append((this_game, id)) + main_controller.master_games_dic[id] = (this_game, state_init, discrim_string) ext = "?league=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(tourney.name) @@ -863,13 +904,18 @@ async def continue_tournament_series(tourney, queue, games_list, wins_in_series) state_init["is_league"] = True - state_init["title"] = f"{wins_in_series[oldgame.teams['away'].name]} - {wins_in_series[oldgame.teams['home'].name]}" + if tourney.round_check(): + series_string = f"Best of {tourney.finals_length}:" + else: + series_string = f"Best of {tourney.series_length}:" + + state_init["title"] = f"{series_string} {wins_in_series[oldgame.teams['away'].name]} - {wins_in_series[oldgame.teams['home'].name]}" discrim_string = tourney.name - timestamp = str(time.time() * 1000.0 + random.randint(0,3000)) - games_list.append((this_game, timestamp)) - main_controller.master_games_dic[timestamp] = (this_game, state_init, discrim_string) + id = str(uuid4()) + games_list.append((this_game, id)) + main_controller.master_games_dic[id] = (this_game, state_init, discrim_string) return games_list @@ -884,7 +930,7 @@ async def tourney_round_watcher(channel, tourney, games_list, filter_url, finals try: for i in range(0, len(games_list)): game, key = games_list[i] - if game.over and main_controller.master_games_dic[key][1]["end_delay"] <= 9: + if game.over and main_controller.master_games_dic[key][1]["end_delay"] <= 8: if game.teams['home'].name not in wins_in_series.keys(): wins_in_series[game.teams["home"].name] = 0 if game.teams['away'].name not in wins_in_series.keys(): @@ -1047,7 +1093,7 @@ def team_from_collection(newteam_json): raise CommandError("We've given you 100 characters for the slogan. Discord puts limits on us and thus, we put limits on you. C'est la vie.") if len(newteam_json["lineup"]) > 20: raise CommandError("20 players in the lineup, maximum. We're being really generous here.") - if not len(newteam_json["rotation"]) > 8: + if len(newteam_json["rotation"]) > 8: raise CommandError("8 pitchers on the rotation, max. That's a *lot* of pitchers.") for player in newteam_json["lineup"] + newteam_json["rotation"]: if len(player["name"]) > 70: @@ -1059,15 +1105,16 @@ def team_from_collection(newteam_json): newteam.slogan = newteam_json["slogan"] for player in newteam_json["lineup"]: newteam.add_lineup(games.player(json.dumps(player))) - newteam.set_pitcher(games.player(json.dumps(newteam_json["rotation"][0]))) + for player in newteam_json["rotation"]: + newteam.add_pitcher(games.player(json.dumps(player))) return newteam def team_from_message(command): newteam = games.team() roster = command.split("\n",1)[1].split("\n") - newteam.name = roster[0] #first line is team name - newteam.slogan = roster[1] #second line is slogan + newteam.name = roster[0].strip() #first line is team name + newteam.slogan = roster[1].strip() #second line is slogan if not roster[2].strip() == "": raise CommandError("The third line should be blank. It wasn't, so just in case, we've not done anything on our end.") pitchernum = len(roster)-2 @@ -1205,6 +1252,41 @@ async def history_pages(msg, all_games, search_term=None): await teams_list.edit(embed=pages[current_page]) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return +async def game_watcher(): + while True: + try: + this_array = gamesarray.copy() + for i in range(0,len(this_array)): + game, channel, user, key = this_array[i] + if game.over and main_controller.master_games_dic[key][1]["end_delay"] <= 8: + final_embed = game_over_embed(game) + if isinstance(user, str): + await channel.send(f"A game started by {user} just ended.") + elif user is not None: + await channel.send(f"{user.mention}'s game just ended.") + else: + await channel.send("A game started from this channel just ended.") + await channel.send(embed=final_embed) + gamesarray.pop(i) + break + except: + print("something broke in game_watcher") + await asyncio.sleep(4) + +def game_over_embed(game): + title_string = f"{game.teams['away'].name} at {game.teams['home'].name} ended after {game.inning-1} innings" + if (game.inning - 1) > game.max_innings: #if extra innings + title_string += f" with {game.inning - (game.max_innings+1)} extra innings.\n" + else: + title_string += ".\n" + title_string += game.weather.emoji + game.weather.name + + winning_team = game.teams['home'].name if game.teams['home'].score > game.teams['away'].score else game.teams['away'].name + winstring = f"{game.teams['away'].score} to {game.teams['home'].score}\n" + if game.victory_lap and winning_team == game.teams['home'].name: + winstring += f"{winning_team} wins with a victory lap!" + elif winning_team == game.teams['home'].name: + winstring += f"{winning_team} wins, shaming {game.teams['away'].name}!" def get_team_fuzzy_search(team_name): team = games.get_team(team_name) if team is None: