# cython: language_level=3 from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint64_t from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_NoMemory from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Realloc, PyMem_Free from cpython.unicode cimport PyUnicode_DecodeASCII from string import ascii_letters, digits cdef str GEN_DELIMS = ":/?#[]@" cdef str SUB_DELIMS_WITHOUT_QS = "!$'()*," cdef str SUB_DELIMS = SUB_DELIMS_WITHOUT_QS + '+?=;' cdef str RESERVED = GEN_DELIMS + SUB_DELIMS cdef str UNRESERVED = ascii_letters + digits + '-._~' cdef str ALLOWED = UNRESERVED + SUB_DELIMS_WITHOUT_QS cdef str QS = '+&=;' DEF BUF_SIZE = 8 * 1024 # 8KiB cdef char BUFFER[BUF_SIZE] cdef inline Py_UCS4 _to_hex(uint8_t v): if v < 10: return (v+0x30) # ord('0') == 0x30 else: return (v+0x41-10) # ord('A') == 0x41 cdef inline int _from_hex(Py_UCS4 v): if '0' <= v <= '9': return (v) - 0x30 # ord('0') == 0x30 elif 'A' <= v <= 'F': return (v) - 0x41 + 10 # ord('A') == 0x41 elif 'a' <= v <= 'f': return (v) - 0x61 + 10 # ord('a') == 0x61 else: return -1 cdef inline Py_UCS4 _restore_ch(Py_UCS4 d1, Py_UCS4 d2): cdef int digit1 = _from_hex(d1) if digit1 < 0: return -1 cdef int digit2 = _from_hex(d2) if digit2 < 0: return -1 return (digit1 << 4 | digit2) cdef uint8_t ALLOWED_TABLE[16] cdef uint8_t ALLOWED_NOTQS_TABLE[16] cdef inline bint bit_at(uint8_t array[], uint64_t ch): return array[ch >> 3] & (1 << (ch & 7)) cdef inline void set_bit(uint8_t array[], uint64_t ch): array[ch >> 3] |= (1 << (ch & 7)) memset(ALLOWED_TABLE, 0, sizeof(ALLOWED_TABLE)) memset(ALLOWED_NOTQS_TABLE, 0, sizeof(ALLOWED_NOTQS_TABLE)) for i in range(128): if chr(i) in ALLOWED: set_bit(ALLOWED_TABLE, i) set_bit(ALLOWED_NOTQS_TABLE, i) if chr(i) in QS: set_bit(ALLOWED_NOTQS_TABLE, i) # ----------------- writer --------------------------- cdef struct Writer: char *buf Py_ssize_t size Py_ssize_t pos bint changed cdef inline void _init_writer(Writer* writer): writer.buf = &BUFFER[0] writer.size = BUF_SIZE writer.pos = 0 writer.changed = 0 cdef inline void _release_writer(Writer* writer): if writer.buf != BUFFER: PyMem_Free(writer.buf) cdef inline int _write_char(Writer* writer, Py_UCS4 ch, bint changed): cdef char * buf cdef Py_ssize_t size if writer.pos == writer.size: # reallocate size = writer.size + BUF_SIZE if writer.buf == BUFFER: buf = PyMem_Malloc(size) if buf == NULL: PyErr_NoMemory() return -1 memcpy(buf, writer.buf, writer.size) else: buf = PyMem_Realloc(writer.buf, size) if buf == NULL: PyErr_NoMemory() return -1 writer.buf = buf writer.size = size writer.buf[writer.pos] = ch writer.pos += 1 writer.changed |= changed return 0 cdef inline int _write_pct(Writer* writer, uint8_t ch, bint changed): if _write_char(writer, '%', changed) < 0: return -1 if _write_char(writer, _to_hex(ch >> 4), changed) < 0: return -1 return _write_char(writer, _to_hex(ch & 0x0f), changed) cdef inline int _write_percent(Writer* writer): if _write_char(writer, '%', True) < 0: return -1 if _write_char(writer, '2', True) < 0: return -1 return _write_char(writer, '5', True) cdef inline int _write_pct_check(Writer* writer, Py_UCS4 ch, Py_UCS4 pct[]): cdef Py_UCS4 pct1 = _to_hex(ch >> 4) cdef Py_UCS4 pct2 = _to_hex(ch & 0x0f) cdef bint changed = pct[0] != pct1 or pct[1] != pct2 if _write_char(writer, '%', changed) < 0: return -1 if _write_char(writer, pct1, changed) < 0: return -1 return _write_char(writer, pct2, changed) cdef inline int _write_utf8(Writer* writer, Py_UCS4 symbol): cdef uint64_t utf = symbol if utf < 0x80: return _write_pct(writer, utf, True) elif utf < 0x800: if _write_pct(writer, (0xc0 | (utf >> 6)), True) < 0: return -1 return _write_pct(writer, (0x80 | (utf & 0x3f)), True) elif 0xD800 <= utf <= 0xDFFF: # surogate pair, ignored return 0 elif utf < 0x10000: if _write_pct(writer, (0xe0 | (utf >> 12)), True) < 0: return -1 if _write_pct(writer, (0x80 | ((utf >> 6) & 0x3f)), True) < 0: return -1 return _write_pct(writer, (0x80 | (utf & 0x3f)), True) elif utf > 0x10FFFF: # symbol is too large return 0 else: if _write_pct(writer, (0xf0 | (utf >> 18)), True) < 0: return -1 if _write_pct(writer, (0x80 | ((utf >> 12) & 0x3f)), True) < 0: return -1 if _write_pct(writer, (0x80 | ((utf >> 6) & 0x3f)), True) < 0: return -1 return _write_pct(writer, (0x80 | (utf & 0x3f)), True) # --------------------- end writer -------------------------- cdef class _Quoter: cdef bint _qs cdef bint _requote cdef uint8_t _safe_table[16] cdef uint8_t _protected_table[16] def __init__( self, *, str safe='', str protected='', bint qs=False, bint requote=True, ): cdef Py_UCS4 ch self._qs = qs self._requote = requote if not self._qs: memcpy(self._safe_table, ALLOWED_NOTQS_TABLE, sizeof(self._safe_table)) else: memcpy(self._safe_table, ALLOWED_TABLE, sizeof(self._safe_table)) for ch in safe: if ord(ch) > 127: raise ValueError("Only safe symbols with ORD < 128 are allowed") set_bit(self._safe_table, ch) memset(self._protected_table, 0, sizeof(self._protected_table)) for ch in protected: if ord(ch) > 127: raise ValueError("Only safe symbols with ORD < 128 are allowed") set_bit(self._safe_table, ch) set_bit(self._protected_table, ch) def __call__(self, val): cdef Writer writer if val is None: return None if type(val) is not str: if isinstance(val, str): # derived from str val = str(val) else: raise TypeError("Argument should be str") _init_writer(&writer) try: return self._do_quote(val, &writer) finally: _release_writer(&writer) cdef str _do_quote(self, str val, Writer *writer): cdef Py_UCS4 ch cdef int has_pct = 0 cdef Py_UCS4 pct[2] cdef int idx = 0 for ch in val: if has_pct: pct[has_pct-1] = ch has_pct += 1 if has_pct == 3: ch = _restore_ch(pct[0], pct[1]) has_pct = 0 if ch == -1: if _write_percent(writer) < 0: raise if self._write(writer, pct[0]) < 0: raise if self._write(writer, pct[1]) < 0: raise continue if ch < 128: if bit_at(self._protected_table, ch): if _write_pct(writer, ch, True) < 0: raise continue if bit_at(self._safe_table, ch): if _write_char(writer, ch, True) < 0: raise continue if _write_pct_check(writer, ch, pct) < 0: raise continue elif ch == '%' and self._requote: has_pct = 1 continue if self._write(writer, ch) < 0: raise if has_pct: if _write_percent(writer) < 0: raise if has_pct > 1: # the value is 2 if self._write(writer, ch) < 0: raise if not writer.changed: return val else: return PyUnicode_DecodeASCII(writer.buf, writer.pos, "strict") cdef inline int _write(self, Writer *writer, Py_UCS4 ch): if self._qs: if ch == ' ': return _write_char(writer, '+', True) if ch < 128 and bit_at(self._safe_table, ch): return _write_char(writer, ch, False) return _write_utf8(writer, ch) cdef class _Unquoter: cdef str _unsafe cdef bint _qs cdef _Quoter _quoter cdef _Quoter _qs_quoter def __init__(self, *, unsafe='', qs=False): self._unsafe = unsafe self._qs = qs self._quoter = _Quoter() self._qs_quoter = _Quoter(qs=True) def __call__(self, val): if val is None: return None if type(val) is not str: if isinstance(val, str): # derived from str val = str(val) else: raise TypeError("Argument should be str") return self._do_unquote(val) cdef str _do_unquote(self, str val): if len(val) == 0: return val cdef str pct = '' cdef str last_pct = '' cdef bytearray pcts = bytearray() cdef list ret = [] cdef str unquoted for ch in val: if pct: pct += ch if len(pct) == 3: # pragma: no branch # peephole optimizer pcts.append(int(pct[1:], base=16)) last_pct = pct pct = '' continue if pcts: try: unquoted = pcts.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: if self._qs and unquoted in '+=&;': ret.append(self._qs_quoter(unquoted)) elif unquoted in self._unsafe: ret.append(self._quoter(unquoted)) else: ret.append(unquoted) del pcts[:] if ch == '%': pct = ch continue if pcts: ret.append(last_pct) # %F8ab last_pct = '' if ch == '+': if not self._qs or ch in self._unsafe: ret.append('+') else: ret.append(' ') continue if ch in self._unsafe: ret.append('%') h = hex(ord(ch)).upper()[2:] for ch in h: ret.append(ch) continue ret.append(ch) if pcts: try: unquoted = pcts.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: ret.append(last_pct) # %F8 else: if self._qs and unquoted in '+=&;': ret.append(self._qs_quoter(unquoted)) elif unquoted in self._unsafe: ret.append(self._quoter(unquoted)) else: ret.append(unquoted) return ''.join(ret)