from collections import namedtuple import games import json import uuid import onomancer DRAFT_SIZE = 20 REFRESH_DRAFT_SIZE = 4 # fewer players remaining than this and the list refreshes DRAFT_ROUNDS = 13 Participant = namedtuple('Participant', ['handle', 'team']) BOOKMARK = Participant(handle="bookmark", team=None) # keep track of start/end of draft round class Draft: """ Represents a draft party with n participants constructing their team from a pool of names. """ @classmethod def make_draft(cls): draft = cls() return draft def __init__(self): self._id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:6] self._participants = [] self._active_participant = BOOKMARK # draft mutex self._players = onomancer.get_names(limit=DRAFT_SIZE) self._round = 0 @property def round(self): """ Current draft round. 1 indexed. """ return self._round @property def active_drafter(self): """ Handle of whomever is currently up to draft. """ return self._active_participant.handle @property def active_drafting_team(self): return def add_participant(self, handle, team_name, slogan): """ A participant is someone participating in this draft. Initializes an empty team for them in memory. `handle`: discord @ handle, for ownership and identification """ team = = team_name team.slogan = slogan self._participants.append(Participant(handle=handle, team=team)) def start_draft(self): """ Call after adding all participants and confirming they're good to go. """ self.advance_draft() def refresh_players(self): self._players = onomancer.get_names(limit=DRAFT_SIZE) def advance_draft(self): """ The participant list is treated as a circular queue with the head being popped off to act as the draftign mutex. """ if self._active_participant == BOOKMARK: self._round += 1 self._participants.append(self._active_participant) self._active_participant = self._participants.pop(0) def get_draftees(self): return list(self._players.keys()) def draft_player(self, handle, player_name): """ `handle` is the participant's discord handle. """ if self._active_participant.handle != handle: raise ValueError(f'{self._active_participant.handle} is drafting, not you') player_name = player_name.strip() player = self._players.get(player_name) if not player: # might be some whitespace shenanigans for name, stats in self._players.items(): if name.replace('\xa0', ' ').strip().lower() == player_name.lower(): player = stats break else: # still not found raise ValueError(f'Player `{player_name}` not in draft list') del self._players[player['name']] if len(self._players) <= REFRESH_DRAFT_SIZE: self.refresh_players() if self._round < DRAFT_ROUNDS: elif self._round == DRAFT_ROUNDS: self.advance_draft() if self._active_participant == BOOKMARK: self.advance_draft() return player def get_teams(self): teams = [] if self._active_participant != BOOKMARK: teams.append((self._active_participant.handle, for participant in self._participants: if participant != BOOKMARK: teams.append((participant.handle, return teams def finish_draft(self): for handle, team in self.get_teams(): success = games.save_team(team, int(handle[3:-1])) if not success: raise Exception(f'Error saving team for {handle}') if __name__ == '__main__': # extremely robust testing OC do not steal DRAFT_ROUNDS = 2 draft = Draft.make_draft() draft.add_participant('@bluh', 'Bluhstein Bluhs', 'bluh bluh bluh') draft.add_participant('@what', 'Barcelona IDK', 'huh') draft.start_draft() while draft.round <= DRAFT_ROUNDS: print(draft.get_draftees()) cmd = input(f'{draft.round} {draft.active_drafter}:') drafter, player = cmd.split(' ', 1) try: draft.draft_player(drafter, player) except ValueError as e: print(e) print(draft.get_teams())