$(document).ready(function (){ var socket = io.connect(); var gameslist = []; var grid = document.getElementById("container"); socket.on('connect', function () { socket.emit('recieved', { data: 'I\'m connected!' }); }); socket.on("states_update", function (json) { //json is an object containing all game updates if (Object.keys(json).length == 0) { $('#footer div').html("No games right now. Why not head over to Discord and start one?"); } else { $('#footer div').html(""); } for (const timestamp in json) { if (!gameslist.includes(timestamp)) { //adds game to list if not there already gameslist.push(timestamp) for (var slotnum = 0; true; slotnum++) { //this is really a while loop but shh don't tell anyone if (slotnum >= grid.children.length) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { insertEmpty(grid); } } if (grid.children[slotnum].className == "emptyslot") { insertGame(slotnum, json[timestamp], timestamp); break; }; }; }; for (var slotnum = 0; slotnum < grid.children.length; slotnum++) { if (grid.children[slotnum].timestamp == timestamp) { updateGame(grid.children[slotnum], json[timestamp]); }; }; }; for (var slotnum = 0; slotnum < grid.children.length; slotnum++) { if (grid.children[slotnum].className == "game" && !(Object.keys(json).includes(grid.children[slotnum].timestamp))) { grid.children[slotnum].className = "emptyslot"; grid.children[slotnum].innerHTML = ""; } } while (grid.children[grid.children.length-1].className == "emptyslot" && grid.children[grid.children.length-2].className == "emptyslot" && grid.children[grid.children.length-3].className == "emptyslot" && grid.children.length > 3) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { grid.removeChild(grid.children[grid.children.length-1]); } } }); const insertEmpty = (grid) => { newBox = document.createElement("DIV"); newBox.className = "emptyslot"; grid.appendChild(newBox); } const insertGame = (gridboxnum, gamestate, timestamp) => { var thisBox = grid.children[gridboxnum]; thisBox.className = "game"; thisBox.timestamp = timestamp; fetch("/static/game.html").then(x=>x.text()).then(gamehtml => { thisBox.innerHTML = gamehtml; updateGame(thisBox, gamestate); }); }; const BASE_EMPTY = "/static/img/base_empty.png" const BASE_FILLED = "/static/img/base_filled.png" const OUT_OUT = "/static/img/out_out.png" const OUT_IN = "/static/img/out_in.png" const updateGame = (gamediv, gamestate) => { gamediv.id = "updateTarget"; $('#updateTarget .inning').html("Inning: " + (gamestate.display_top_of_inning ? "🔼" : "🔽") + " " + gamestate.display_inning + "/" + gamestate.max_innings); $('#updateTarget .weather').html(gamestate.weather_emoji + " " + gamestate.weather_text); $('#updateTarget .away_name').html(gamestate.away_name); $('#updateTarget .home_name').html(gamestate.home_name); $('#updateTarget .away_score').html("" + gamestate.away_score); $('#updateTarget .home_score').html("" + gamestate.home_score); for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { $('#updateTarget .base_' + i).attr('src', (gamestate.bases[i] == null ? BASE_EMPTY : BASE_FILLED)); } $('#updateTarget .outs_count').children().each(function(index) { $(this).attr('src', index < gamestate.outs ? OUT_OUT : OUT_IN); }); $('#updateTarget .pitcher_name').html(gamestate.pitcher); $('#updateTarget .batter_name').html(gamestate.batter); $('#updateTarget .update_emoji').html(gamestate.update_emoji); $('#updateTarget .update_text').html(gamestate.update_text); $('#updateTarget .batting').html((gamestate.display_top_of_inning ? gamestate.away_name : gamestate.home_name) + " batting."); gamediv.id = ""; }; });