var socket = io.connect(); var lastupdate; var grid; $(document).ready(function (){ grid = document.getElementById("container") socket.on('connect', function () { socket.emit('recieved', {}); }); socket.on("states_update", function (json) { //json is an object containing all game updates\ lastupdate = json; updateGames(json, $('#selected_filter').text()); updateLeagues(json); }); }); const updateGames = (json, filter) => { filterjson = []; for (var game of json) { if (game.league == filter || filter == "All") { filterjson.push(game); } } if (filterjson.length == 0) { $('#footer div').html("No games right now. Why not head over to Discord and start one?"); } else { $('#footer div').html(""); } //replace games that have ended with empty slots for (var slotnum = 0; slotnum < grid.children.length; slotnum++) { if (grid.children[slotnum].className == "game" && !filterjson.some((x) => x.timestamp == grid.children[slotnum].timestamp)) { grid.children[slotnum].className = "emptyslot"; grid.children[slotnum].timestamp = null; grid.children[slotnum].innerHTML = ""; } } for (var game of filterjson) { //updates game in list for (var slotnum = 0; slotnum < grid.children.length; slotnum++) { if (grid.children[slotnum].timestamp == game.timestamp) { insertGame(slotnum, game); }; }; //adds game to list if not there already if (! => x.timestamp == game.timestamp)) { for (var slotnum = 0; true; slotnum++) { //this is really a while loop but shh don't tell anyone if (slotnum >= grid.children.length) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { insertEmpty(grid); } } if (grid.children[slotnum].className == "emptyslot") { insertGame(slotnum, game); break; }; }; } }; //remove last rows if not needed while (grid.children[grid.children.length-1].className == "emptyslot" && grid.children[grid.children.length-2].className == "emptyslot" && grid.children[grid.children.length-3].className == "emptyslot" && grid.children.length > 3) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { grid.removeChild(grid.children[grid.children.length-1]); } } } const insertEmpty = (grid) => { var newBox = document.createElement("DIV"); newBox.className = "emptyslot"; grid.appendChild(newBox); } const insertGame = (gridboxnum, game) => { var thisBox = grid.children[gridboxnum]; thisBox.innerHTML = game.html; thisBox.className = "game"; thisBox.timestamp = game.timestamp; }; const updateLeagues = (games) => { //get all leagues var leagues = [] for (var game of games) { if (game.league != "" && !leagues.includes(game.league)) { leagues.push(game.league) } } //remove leagues no longer present $('#filters .filter').each(function(index) { if (!leagues.includes($(this).text())) { if ( != 'selected_filter' && $(this).text() != "All") { //don't remove the currently selected filter or the "all" filter $(this).remove(); } } else { leagues.splice(leagues.indexOf($(this).text()), 1); } }) // add leagues not already present for (var league of leagues) { // we removed the entries that are already there in the loop above var btn = document.createElement("BUTTON"); btn.className = "filter" btn.innerHTML = league $('#filters').append(btn); } //add click handlers to each filter $('#filters .filter').each(function(index) { this.onclick = function() { if ($('#filters #selected_filter').text() == 'All') { updateGames([], ""); // clear grid when switching off of All, to make games collapse to top } $('#filters #selected_filter').attr('id', ''); = 'selected_filter'; var search = new URLSearchParams(); search.append("name", this.textContent); history.pushState({}, "", (this.textContent != 'All' ? "/league?" + search.toString() : "/")); updateGames(lastupdate, this.textContent); } }) } window.onpopstate = function(e) { var searchparams = new URLSearchParams( updateLeagues(lastupdate); $('#filters #selected_filter').attr('id', ''); if (searchparams.has('name')) { $('#filters .filter').each(function(i) { if (this.textContent == searchparams.get('name')) { = 'selected_filter' }}) updateGames(lastupdate, searchparams.get('name')); } else { $('#filters .filter').each(function(i) { if (this.textContent == 'All') { = 'selected_filter' }}) updateGames(lastupdate, "All"); } }