# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Rapptz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import asyncio from collections import namedtuple, deque import concurrent.futures import json import logging import struct import sys import time import threading import traceback import zlib import aiohttp from . import utils from .activity import BaseActivity from .enums import SpeakingState from .errors import ConnectionClosed, InvalidArgument log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = ( 'DiscordWebSocket', 'KeepAliveHandler', 'VoiceKeepAliveHandler', 'DiscordVoiceWebSocket', 'ReconnectWebSocket', ) class ReconnectWebSocket(Exception): """Signals to safely reconnect the websocket.""" def __init__(self, shard_id, *, resume=True): self.shard_id = shard_id self.resume = resume self.op = 'RESUME' if resume else 'IDENTIFY' class WebSocketClosure(Exception): """An exception to make up for the fact that aiohttp doesn't signal closure.""" pass EventListener = namedtuple('EventListener', 'predicate event result future') class GatewayRatelimiter: def __init__(self, count=110, per=60.0): # The default is 110 to give room for at least 10 heartbeats per minute self.max = count self.remaining = count self.window = 0.0 self.per = per self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self.shard_id = None def is_ratelimited(self): current = time.time() if current > self.window + self.per: return False return self.remaining == 0 def get_delay(self): current = time.time() if current > self.window + self.per: self.remaining = self.max if self.remaining == self.max: self.window = current if self.remaining == 0: return self.per - (current - self.window) self.remaining -= 1 if self.remaining == 0: self.window = current return 0.0 async def block(self): async with self.lock: delta = self.get_delay() if delta: log.warning('WebSocket in shard ID %s is ratelimited, waiting %.2f seconds', self.shard_id, delta) await asyncio.sleep(delta) class KeepAliveHandler(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ws = kwargs.pop('ws', None) interval = kwargs.pop('interval', None) shard_id = kwargs.pop('shard_id', None) threading.Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.ws = ws self._main_thread_id = ws.thread_id self.interval = interval self.daemon = True self.shard_id = shard_id self.msg = 'Keeping shard ID %s websocket alive with sequence %s.' self.block_msg = 'Shard ID %s heartbeat blocked for more than %s seconds.' self.behind_msg = 'Can\'t keep up, shard ID %s websocket is %.1fs behind.' self._stop_ev = threading.Event() self._last_ack = time.perf_counter() self._last_send = time.perf_counter() self._last_recv = time.perf_counter() self.latency = float('inf') self.heartbeat_timeout = ws._max_heartbeat_timeout def run(self): while not self._stop_ev.wait(self.interval): if self._last_recv + self.heartbeat_timeout < time.perf_counter(): log.warning("Shard ID %s has stopped responding to the gateway. Closing and restarting.", self.shard_id) coro = self.ws.close(4000) f = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop=self.ws.loop) try: f.result() except Exception: log.exception('An error occurred while stopping the gateway. Ignoring.') finally: self.stop() return data = self.get_payload() log.debug(self.msg, self.shard_id, data['d']) coro = self.ws.send_heartbeat(data) f = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop=self.ws.loop) try: # block until sending is complete total = 0 while True: try: f.result(10) break except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: total += 10 try: frame = sys._current_frames()[self._main_thread_id] except KeyError: msg = self.block_msg else: stack = traceback.format_stack(frame) msg = '%s\nLoop thread traceback (most recent call last):\n%s' % (self.block_msg, ''.join(stack)) log.warning(msg, self.shard_id, total) except Exception: self.stop() else: self._last_send = time.perf_counter() def get_payload(self): return { 'op': self.ws.HEARTBEAT, 'd': self.ws.sequence } def stop(self): self._stop_ev.set() def tick(self): self._last_recv = time.perf_counter() def ack(self): ack_time = time.perf_counter() self._last_ack = ack_time self.latency = ack_time - self._last_send if self.latency > 10: log.warning(self.behind_msg, self.shard_id, self.latency) class VoiceKeepAliveHandler(KeepAliveHandler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.recent_ack_latencies = deque(maxlen=20) self.msg = 'Keeping shard ID %s voice websocket alive with timestamp %s.' self.block_msg = 'Shard ID %s voice heartbeat blocked for more than %s seconds' self.behind_msg = 'High socket latency, shard ID %s heartbeat is %.1fs behind' def get_payload(self): return { 'op': self.ws.HEARTBEAT, 'd': int(time.time() * 1000) } def ack(self): ack_time = time.perf_counter() self._last_ack = ack_time self._last_recv = ack_time self.latency = ack_time - self._last_send self.recent_ack_latencies.append(self.latency) class DiscordClientWebSocketResponse(aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse): async def close(self, *, code: int = 4000, message: bytes = b'') -> bool: return await super().close(code=code, message=message) class DiscordWebSocket: """Implements a WebSocket for Discord's gateway v6. Attributes ----------- DISPATCH Receive only. Denotes an event to be sent to Discord, such as READY. HEARTBEAT When received tells Discord to keep the connection alive. When sent asks if your connection is currently alive. IDENTIFY Send only. Starts a new session. PRESENCE Send only. Updates your presence. VOICE_STATE Send only. Starts a new connection to a voice guild. VOICE_PING Send only. Checks ping time to a voice guild, do not use. RESUME Send only. Resumes an existing connection. RECONNECT Receive only. Tells the client to reconnect to a new gateway. REQUEST_MEMBERS Send only. Asks for the full member list of a guild. INVALIDATE_SESSION Receive only. Tells the client to optionally invalidate the session and IDENTIFY again. HELLO Receive only. Tells the client the heartbeat interval. HEARTBEAT_ACK Receive only. Confirms receiving of a heartbeat. Not having it implies a connection issue. GUILD_SYNC Send only. Requests a guild sync. gateway The gateway we are currently connected to. token The authentication token for discord. """ DISPATCH = 0 HEARTBEAT = 1 IDENTIFY = 2 PRESENCE = 3 VOICE_STATE = 4 VOICE_PING = 5 RESUME = 6 RECONNECT = 7 REQUEST_MEMBERS = 8 INVALIDATE_SESSION = 9 HELLO = 10 HEARTBEAT_ACK = 11 GUILD_SYNC = 12 def __init__(self, socket, *, loop): self.socket = socket self.loop = loop # an empty dispatcher to prevent crashes self._dispatch = lambda *args: None # generic event listeners self._dispatch_listeners = [] # the keep alive self._keep_alive = None self.thread_id = threading.get_ident() # ws related stuff self.session_id = None self.sequence = None self._zlib = zlib.decompressobj() self._buffer = bytearray() self._close_code = None self._rate_limiter = GatewayRatelimiter() @property def open(self): return not self.socket.closed def is_ratelimited(self): return self._rate_limiter.is_ratelimited() @classmethod async def from_client(cls, client, *, initial=False, gateway=None, shard_id=None, session=None, sequence=None, resume=False): """Creates a main websocket for Discord from a :class:`Client`. This is for internal use only. """ gateway = gateway or await client.http.get_gateway() socket = await client.http.ws_connect(gateway) ws = cls(socket, loop=client.loop) # dynamically add attributes needed ws.token = client.http.token ws._connection = client._connection ws._discord_parsers = client._connection.parsers ws._dispatch = client.dispatch ws.gateway = gateway ws.call_hooks = client._connection.call_hooks ws._initial_identify = initial ws.shard_id = shard_id ws._rate_limiter.shard_id = shard_id ws.shard_count = client._connection.shard_count ws.session_id = session ws.sequence = sequence ws._max_heartbeat_timeout = client._connection.heartbeat_timeout client._connection._update_references(ws) log.debug('Created websocket connected to %s', gateway) # poll event for OP Hello await ws.poll_event() if not resume: await ws.identify() return ws await ws.resume() return ws def wait_for(self, event, predicate, result=None): """Waits for a DISPATCH'd event that meets the predicate. Parameters ----------- event: :class:`str` The event name in all upper case to wait for. predicate A function that takes a data parameter to check for event properties. The data parameter is the 'd' key in the JSON message. result A function that takes the same data parameter and executes to send the result to the future. If ``None``, returns the data. Returns -------- asyncio.Future A future to wait for. """ future = self.loop.create_future() entry = EventListener(event=event, predicate=predicate, result=result, future=future) self._dispatch_listeners.append(entry) return future async def identify(self): """Sends the IDENTIFY packet.""" payload = { 'op': self.IDENTIFY, 'd': { 'token': self.token, 'properties': { '$os': sys.platform, '$browser': 'discord.py', '$device': 'discord.py', '$referrer': '', '$referring_domain': '' }, 'compress': True, 'large_threshold': 250, 'guild_subscriptions': self._connection.guild_subscriptions, 'v': 3 } } if not self._connection.is_bot: payload['d']['synced_guilds'] = [] if self.shard_id is not None and self.shard_count is not None: payload['d']['shard'] = [self.shard_id, self.shard_count] state = self._connection if state._activity is not None or state._status is not None: payload['d']['presence'] = { 'status': state._status, 'game': state._activity, 'since': 0, 'afk': False } if state._intents is not None: payload['d']['intents'] = state._intents.value await self.call_hooks('before_identify', self.shard_id, initial=self._initial_identify) await self.send_as_json(payload) log.info('Shard ID %s has sent the IDENTIFY payload.', self.shard_id) async def resume(self): """Sends the RESUME packet.""" payload = { 'op': self.RESUME, 'd': { 'seq': self.sequence, 'session_id': self.session_id, 'token': self.token } } await self.send_as_json(payload) log.info('Shard ID %s has sent the RESUME payload.', self.shard_id) async def received_message(self, msg): self._dispatch('socket_raw_receive', msg) if type(msg) is bytes: self._buffer.extend(msg) if len(msg) >= 4: if msg[-4:] == b'\x00\x00\xff\xff': msg = self._zlib.decompress(self._buffer) msg = msg.decode('utf-8') self._buffer = bytearray() else: return else: return msg = json.loads(msg) log.debug('For Shard ID %s: WebSocket Event: %s', self.shard_id, msg) self._dispatch('socket_response', msg) op = msg.get('op') data = msg.get('d') seq = msg.get('s') if seq is not None: self.sequence = seq if self._keep_alive: self._keep_alive.tick() if op != self.DISPATCH: if op == self.RECONNECT: # "reconnect" can only be handled by the Client # so we terminate our connection and raise an # internal exception signalling to reconnect. log.debug('Received RECONNECT opcode.') await self.close() raise ReconnectWebSocket(self.shard_id) if op == self.HEARTBEAT_ACK: if self._keep_alive: self._keep_alive.ack() return if op == self.HEARTBEAT: if self._keep_alive: beat = self._keep_alive.get_payload() await self.send_as_json(beat) return if op == self.HELLO: interval = data['heartbeat_interval'] / 1000.0 self._keep_alive = KeepAliveHandler(ws=self, interval=interval, shard_id=self.shard_id) # send a heartbeat immediately await self.send_as_json(self._keep_alive.get_payload()) self._keep_alive.start() return if op == self.INVALIDATE_SESSION: if data is True: await self.close() raise ReconnectWebSocket(self.shard_id) self.sequence = None self.session_id = None log.info('Shard ID %s session has been invalidated.', self.shard_id) await self.close(code=1000) raise ReconnectWebSocket(self.shard_id, resume=False) log.warning('Unknown OP code %s.', op) return event = msg.get('t') if event == 'READY': self._trace = trace = data.get('_trace', []) self.sequence = msg['s'] self.session_id = data['session_id'] # pass back shard ID to ready handler data['__shard_id__'] = self.shard_id log.info('Shard ID %s has connected to Gateway: %s (Session ID: %s).', self.shard_id, ', '.join(trace), self.session_id) elif event == 'RESUMED': self._trace = trace = data.get('_trace', []) # pass back the shard ID to the resumed handler data['__shard_id__'] = self.shard_id log.info('Shard ID %s has successfully RESUMED session %s under trace %s.', self.shard_id, self.session_id, ', '.join(trace)) try: func = self._discord_parsers[event] except KeyError: log.debug('Unknown event %s.', event) else: func(data) # remove the dispatched listeners removed = [] for index, entry in enumerate(self._dispatch_listeners): if entry.event != event: continue future = entry.future if future.cancelled(): removed.append(index) continue try: valid = entry.predicate(data) except Exception as exc: future.set_exception(exc) removed.append(index) else: if valid: ret = data if entry.result is None else entry.result(data) future.set_result(ret) removed.append(index) for index in reversed(removed): del self._dispatch_listeners[index] @property def latency(self): """:class:`float`: Measures latency between a HEARTBEAT and a HEARTBEAT_ACK in seconds.""" heartbeat = self._keep_alive return float('inf') if heartbeat is None else heartbeat.latency def _can_handle_close(self): code = self._close_code or self.socket.close_code return code not in (1000, 4004, 4010, 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014) async def poll_event(self): """Polls for a DISPATCH event and handles the general gateway loop. Raises ------ ConnectionClosed The websocket connection was terminated for unhandled reasons. """ try: msg = await self.socket.receive(timeout=self._max_heartbeat_timeout) if msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: await self.received_message(msg.data) elif msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: await self.received_message(msg.data) elif msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: log.debug('Received %s', msg) raise msg.data elif msg.type in (aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSING, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE): log.debug('Received %s', msg) raise WebSocketClosure except (asyncio.TimeoutError, WebSocketClosure) as e: # Ensure the keep alive handler is closed if self._keep_alive: self._keep_alive.stop() self._keep_alive = None if isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError): log.info('Timed out receiving packet. Attempting a reconnect.') raise ReconnectWebSocket(self.shard_id) from None code = self._close_code or self.socket.close_code if self._can_handle_close(): log.info('Websocket closed with %s, attempting a reconnect.', code) raise ReconnectWebSocket(self.shard_id) from None else: log.info('Websocket closed with %s, cannot reconnect.', code) raise ConnectionClosed(self.socket, shard_id=self.shard_id, code=code) from None async def send(self, data): await self._rate_limiter.block() self._dispatch('socket_raw_send', data) await self.socket.send_str(data) async def send_as_json(self, data): try: await self.send(utils.to_json(data)) except RuntimeError as exc: if not self._can_handle_close(): raise ConnectionClosed(self.socket, shard_id=self.shard_id) from exc async def send_heartbeat(self, data): # This bypasses the rate limit handling code since it has a higher priority try: await self.socket.send_str(utils.to_json(data)) except RuntimeError as exc: if not self._can_handle_close(): raise ConnectionClosed(self.socket, shard_id=self.shard_id) from exc async def change_presence(self, *, activity=None, status=None, afk=False, since=0.0): if activity is not None: if not isinstance(activity, BaseActivity): raise InvalidArgument('activity must derive from BaseActivity.') activity = activity.to_dict() if status == 'idle': since = int(time.time() * 1000) payload = { 'op': self.PRESENCE, 'd': { 'game': activity, 'afk': afk, 'since': since, 'status': status } } sent = utils.to_json(payload) log.debug('Sending "%s" to change status', sent) await self.send(sent) async def request_sync(self, guild_ids): payload = { 'op': self.GUILD_SYNC, 'd': list(guild_ids) } await self.send_as_json(payload) async def request_chunks(self, guild_id, query=None, *, limit, user_ids=None, nonce=None): payload = { 'op': self.REQUEST_MEMBERS, 'd': { 'guild_id': guild_id, 'limit': limit } } if nonce: payload['d']['nonce'] = nonce if user_ids: payload['d']['user_ids'] = user_ids if query is not None: payload['d']['query'] = query await self.send_as_json(payload) async def voice_state(self, guild_id, channel_id, self_mute=False, self_deaf=False): payload = { 'op': self.VOICE_STATE, 'd': { 'guild_id': guild_id, 'channel_id': channel_id, 'self_mute': self_mute, 'self_deaf': self_deaf } } log.debug('Updating our voice state to %s.', payload) await self.send_as_json(payload) async def close(self, code=4000): if self._keep_alive: self._keep_alive.stop() self._keep_alive = None self._close_code = code await self.socket.close(code=code) class DiscordVoiceWebSocket: """Implements the websocket protocol for handling voice connections. Attributes ----------- IDENTIFY Send only. Starts a new voice session. SELECT_PROTOCOL Send only. Tells discord what encryption mode and how to connect for voice. READY Receive only. Tells the websocket that the initial connection has completed. HEARTBEAT Send only. Keeps your websocket connection alive. SESSION_DESCRIPTION Receive only. Gives you the secret key required for voice. SPEAKING Send only. Notifies the client if you are currently speaking. HEARTBEAT_ACK Receive only. Tells you your heartbeat has been acknowledged. RESUME Sent only. Tells the client to resume its session. HELLO Receive only. Tells you that your websocket connection was acknowledged. RESUMED Sent only. Tells you that your RESUME request has succeeded. CLIENT_CONNECT Indicates a user has connected to voice. CLIENT_DISCONNECT Receive only. Indicates a user has disconnected from voice. """ IDENTIFY = 0 SELECT_PROTOCOL = 1 READY = 2 HEARTBEAT = 3 SESSION_DESCRIPTION = 4 SPEAKING = 5 HEARTBEAT_ACK = 6 RESUME = 7 HELLO = 8 RESUMED = 9 CLIENT_CONNECT = 12 CLIENT_DISCONNECT = 13 def __init__(self, socket, loop): self.ws = socket self.loop = loop self._keep_alive = None self._close_code = None self.secret_key = None async def send_as_json(self, data): log.debug('Sending voice websocket frame: %s.', data) await self.ws.send_str(utils.to_json(data)) send_heartbeat = send_as_json async def resume(self): state = self._connection payload = { 'op': self.RESUME, 'd': { 'token': state.token, 'server_id': str(state.server_id), 'session_id': state.session_id } } await self.send_as_json(payload) async def identify(self): state = self._connection payload = { 'op': self.IDENTIFY, 'd': { 'server_id': str(state.server_id), 'user_id': str(state.user.id), 'session_id': state.session_id, 'token': state.token } } await self.send_as_json(payload) @classmethod async def from_client(cls, client, *, resume=False): """Creates a voice websocket for the :class:`VoiceClient`.""" gateway = 'wss://' + client.endpoint + '/?v=4' http = client._state.http socket = await http.ws_connect(gateway, compress=15) ws = cls(socket, loop=client.loop) ws.gateway = gateway ws._connection = client ws._max_heartbeat_timeout = 60.0 ws.thread_id = threading.get_ident() if resume: await ws.resume() else: await ws.identify() return ws async def select_protocol(self, ip, port, mode): payload = { 'op': self.SELECT_PROTOCOL, 'd': { 'protocol': 'udp', 'data': { 'address': ip, 'port': port, 'mode': mode } } } await self.send_as_json(payload) async def client_connect(self): payload = { 'op': self.CLIENT_CONNECT, 'd': { 'audio_ssrc': self._connection.ssrc } } await self.send_as_json(payload) async def speak(self, state=SpeakingState.voice): payload = { 'op': self.SPEAKING, 'd': { 'speaking': int(state), 'delay': 0 } } await self.send_as_json(payload) async def received_message(self, msg): log.debug('Voice websocket frame received: %s', msg) op = msg['op'] data = msg.get('d') if op == self.READY: await self.initial_connection(data) elif op == self.HEARTBEAT_ACK: self._keep_alive.ack() elif op == self.RESUMED: log.info('Voice RESUME succeeded.') elif op == self.SESSION_DESCRIPTION: self._connection.mode = data['mode'] await self.load_secret_key(data) elif op == self.HELLO: interval = data['heartbeat_interval'] / 1000.0 self._keep_alive = VoiceKeepAliveHandler(ws=self, interval=min(interval, 5.0)) self._keep_alive.start() async def initial_connection(self, data): state = self._connection state.ssrc = data['ssrc'] state.voice_port = data['port'] state.endpoint_ip = data['ip'] packet = bytearray(70) struct.pack_into('>H', packet, 0, 1) # 1 = Send struct.pack_into('>H', packet, 2, 70) # 70 = Length struct.pack_into('>I', packet, 4, state.ssrc) state.socket.sendto(packet, (state.endpoint_ip, state.voice_port)) recv = await self.loop.sock_recv(state.socket, 70) log.debug('received packet in initial_connection: %s', recv) # the ip is ascii starting at the 4th byte and ending at the first null ip_start = 4 ip_end = recv.index(0, ip_start) state.ip = recv[ip_start:ip_end].decode('ascii') state.port = struct.unpack_from('>H', recv, len(recv) - 2)[0] log.debug('detected ip: %s port: %s', state.ip, state.port) # there *should* always be at least one supported mode (xsalsa20_poly1305) modes = [mode for mode in data['modes'] if mode in self._connection.supported_modes] log.debug('received supported encryption modes: %s', ", ".join(modes)) mode = modes[0] await self.select_protocol(state.ip, state.port, mode) log.info('selected the voice protocol for use (%s)', mode) @property def latency(self): """:class:`float`: Latency between a HEARTBEAT and its HEARTBEAT_ACK in seconds.""" heartbeat = self._keep_alive return float('inf') if heartbeat is None else heartbeat.latency @property def average_latency(self): """:class:`list`: Average of last 20 HEARTBEAT latencies.""" heartbeat = self._keep_alive if heartbeat is None: return float('inf') return sum(heartbeat.recent_ack_latencies) / len(heartbeat.recent_ack_latencies) async def load_secret_key(self, data): log.info('received secret key for voice connection') self.secret_key = self._connection.secret_key = data.get('secret_key') await self.speak() await self.speak(False) async def poll_event(self): # This exception is handled up the chain msg = await asyncio.wait_for(self.ws.receive(), timeout=30.0) if msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: await self.received_message(json.loads(msg.data)) elif msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: log.debug('Received %s', msg) raise ConnectionClosed(self.ws, shard_id=None) from msg.data elif msg.type in (aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSING): log.debug('Received %s', msg) raise ConnectionClosed(self.ws, shard_id=None, code=self._close_code) async def close(self, code=1000): if self._keep_alive is not None: self._keep_alive.stop() self._close_code = code await self.ws.close(code=code)