# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Rapptz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import logging import asyncio import json import time import re from urllib.parse import quote as _uriquote import aiohttp from . import utils from .errors import InvalidArgument, HTTPException, Forbidden, NotFound, DiscordServerError from .enums import try_enum, WebhookType from .user import BaseUser, User from .asset import Asset from .mixins import Hashable __all__ = ( 'WebhookAdapter', 'AsyncWebhookAdapter', 'RequestsWebhookAdapter', 'Webhook', ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebhookAdapter: """Base class for all webhook adapters. Attributes ------------ webhook: :class:`Webhook` The webhook that owns this adapter. """ BASE = 'https://discord.com/api/v7' def _prepare(self, webhook): self._webhook_id = webhook.id self._webhook_token = webhook.token self._request_url = '{0.BASE}/webhooks/{1}/{2}'.format(self, webhook.id, webhook.token) self.webhook = webhook def request(self, verb, url, payload=None, multipart=None): """Actually does the request. Subclasses must implement this. Parameters ----------- verb: :class:`str` The HTTP verb to use for the request. url: :class:`str` The URL to send the request to. This will have the query parameters already added to it, if any. multipart: Optional[:class:`dict`] A dict containing multipart form data to send with the request. If a filename is being uploaded, then it will be under a ``file`` key which will have a 3-element :class:`tuple` denoting ``(filename, file, content_type)``. payload: Optional[:class:`dict`] The JSON to send with the request, if any. """ raise NotImplementedError() def delete_webhook(self, *, reason=None): return self.request('DELETE', self._request_url, reason=reason) def edit_webhook(self, *, reason=None, **payload): return self.request('PATCH', self._request_url, payload=payload, reason=reason) def handle_execution_response(self, data, *, wait): """Transforms the webhook execution response into something more meaningful. This is mainly used to convert the data into a :class:`Message` if necessary. Subclasses must implement this. Parameters ------------ data The data that was returned from the request. wait: :class:`bool` Whether the webhook execution was asked to wait or not. """ raise NotImplementedError() async def _wrap_coroutine_and_cleanup(self, coro, cleanup): try: return await coro finally: cleanup() def execute_webhook(self, *, payload, wait=False, file=None, files=None): cleanup = None if file is not None: multipart = { 'file': (file.filename, file.fp, 'application/octet-stream'), 'payload_json': utils.to_json(payload) } data = None cleanup = file.close files_to_pass = [file] elif files is not None: multipart = { 'payload_json': utils.to_json(payload) } for i, file in enumerate(files): multipart['file%i' % i] = (file.filename, file.fp, 'application/octet-stream') data = None def _anon(): for f in files: f.close() cleanup = _anon files_to_pass = files else: data = payload multipart = None files_to_pass = None url = '%s?wait=%d' % (self._request_url, wait) maybe_coro = None try: maybe_coro = self.request('POST', url, multipart=multipart, payload=data, files=files_to_pass) finally: if maybe_coro is not None and cleanup is not None: if not asyncio.iscoroutine(maybe_coro): cleanup() else: maybe_coro = self._wrap_coroutine_and_cleanup(maybe_coro, cleanup) # if request raises up there then this should never be `None` return self.handle_execution_response(maybe_coro, wait=wait) class AsyncWebhookAdapter(WebhookAdapter): """A webhook adapter suited for use with aiohttp. .. note:: You are responsible for cleaning up the client session. Parameters ----------- session: :class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` The session to use to send requests. """ def __init__(self, session): self.session = session self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def request(self, verb, url, payload=None, multipart=None, *, files=None, reason=None): headers = {} data = None files = files or [] if payload: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' data = utils.to_json(payload) if reason: headers['X-Audit-Log-Reason'] = _uriquote(reason, safe='/ ') if multipart: data = aiohttp.FormData() for key, value in multipart.items(): if key.startswith('file'): data.add_field(key, value[1], filename=value[0], content_type=value[2]) else: data.add_field(key, value) base_url = url.replace(self._request_url, '/') or '/' _id = self._webhook_id for tries in range(5): for file in files: file.reset(seek=tries) async with self.session.request(verb, url, headers=headers, data=data) as r: log.debug('Webhook ID %s with %s %s has returned status code %s', _id, verb, base_url, r.status) # Coerce empty strings to return None for hygiene purposes response = (await r.text(encoding='utf-8')) or None if r.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json': response = json.loads(response) # check if we have rate limit header information remaining = r.headers.get('X-Ratelimit-Remaining') if remaining == '0' and r.status != 429: delta = utils._parse_ratelimit_header(r) log.debug('Webhook ID %s has been pre-emptively rate limited, waiting %.2f seconds', _id, delta) await asyncio.sleep(delta) if 300 > r.status >= 200: return response # we are being rate limited if r.status == 429: if not r.headers.get('Via'): # Banned by Cloudflare more than likely. raise HTTPException(r, data) retry_after = response['retry_after'] / 1000.0 log.warning('Webhook ID %s is rate limited. Retrying in %.2f seconds', _id, retry_after) await asyncio.sleep(retry_after) continue if r.status in (500, 502): await asyncio.sleep(1 + tries * 2) continue if r.status == 403: raise Forbidden(r, response) elif r.status == 404: raise NotFound(r, response) else: raise HTTPException(r, response) # no more retries if r.status >= 500: raise DiscordServerError(r, response) raise HTTPException(r, response) async def handle_execution_response(self, response, *, wait): data = await response if not wait: return data # transform into Message object from .message import Message return Message(data=data, state=self.webhook._state, channel=self.webhook.channel) class RequestsWebhookAdapter(WebhookAdapter): """A webhook adapter suited for use with ``requests``. Only versions of :doc:`req:index` higher than 2.13.0 are supported. Parameters ----------- session: Optional[`requests.Session `_] The requests session to use for sending requests. If not given then each request will create a new session. Note if a session is given, the webhook adapter **will not** clean it up for you. You must close the session yourself. sleep: :class:`bool` Whether to sleep the thread when encountering a 429 or pre-emptive rate limit or a 5xx status code. Defaults to ``True``. If set to ``False`` then this will raise an :exc:`HTTPException` instead. """ def __init__(self, session=None, *, sleep=True): import requests self.session = session or requests self.sleep = sleep def request(self, verb, url, payload=None, multipart=None, *, files=None, reason=None): headers = {} data = None files = files or [] if payload: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' data = utils.to_json(payload) if reason: headers['X-Audit-Log-Reason'] = _uriquote(reason, safe='/ ') if multipart is not None: data = {'payload_json': multipart.pop('payload_json')} base_url = url.replace(self._request_url, '/') or '/' _id = self._webhook_id for tries in range(5): for file in files: file.reset(seek=tries) r = self.session.request(verb, url, headers=headers, data=data, files=multipart) r.encoding = 'utf-8' # Coerce empty responses to return None for hygiene purposes response = r.text or None # compatibility with aiohttp r.status = r.status_code log.debug('Webhook ID %s with %s %s has returned status code %s', _id, verb, base_url, r.status) if r.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json': response = json.loads(response) # check if we have rate limit header information remaining = r.headers.get('X-Ratelimit-Remaining') if remaining == '0' and r.status != 429 and self.sleep: delta = utils._parse_ratelimit_header(r) log.debug('Webhook ID %s has been pre-emptively rate limited, waiting %.2f seconds', _id, delta) time.sleep(delta) if 300 > r.status >= 200: return response # we are being rate limited if r.status == 429: if self.sleep: if not r.headers.get('Via'): # Banned by Cloudflare more than likely. raise HTTPException(r, data) retry_after = response['retry_after'] / 1000.0 log.warning('Webhook ID %s is rate limited. Retrying in %.2f seconds', _id, retry_after) time.sleep(retry_after) continue else: raise HTTPException(r, response) if self.sleep and r.status in (500, 502): time.sleep(1 + tries * 2) continue if r.status == 403: raise Forbidden(r, response) elif r.status == 404: raise NotFound(r, response) else: raise HTTPException(r, response) # no more retries if r.status >= 500: raise DiscordServerError(r, response) raise HTTPException(r, response) def handle_execution_response(self, response, *, wait): if not wait: return response # transform into Message object from .message import Message return Message(data=response, state=self.webhook._state, channel=self.webhook.channel) class _FriendlyHttpAttributeErrorHelper: __slots__ = () def __getattr__(self, attr): raise AttributeError('PartialWebhookState does not support http methods.') class _PartialWebhookState: __slots__ = ('loop',) def __init__(self, adapter): # Fetch the loop from the adapter if it's there try: self.loop = adapter.loop except AttributeError: self.loop = None def _get_guild(self, guild_id): return None def store_user(self, data): return BaseUser(state=self, data=data) @property def is_bot(self): return True @property def http(self): # Some data classes assign state.http and that should be kosher # however, using it should result in a late-binding error. return _FriendlyHttpAttributeErrorHelper() def __getattr__(self, attr): raise AttributeError('PartialWebhookState does not support {0!r}.'.format(attr)) class Webhook(Hashable): """Represents a Discord webhook. Webhooks are a form to send messages to channels in Discord without a bot user or authentication. There are two main ways to use Webhooks. The first is through the ones received by the library such as :meth:`.Guild.webhooks` and :meth:`.TextChannel.webhooks`. The ones received by the library will automatically have an adapter bound using the library's HTTP session. Those webhooks will have :meth:`~.Webhook.send`, :meth:`~.Webhook.delete` and :meth:`~.Webhook.edit` as coroutines. The second form involves creating a webhook object manually without having it bound to a websocket connection using the :meth:`~.Webhook.from_url` or :meth:`~.Webhook.partial` classmethods. This form allows finer grained control over how requests are done, allowing you to mix async and sync code using either :doc:`aiohttp ` or :doc:`req:index`. For example, creating a webhook from a URL and using :doc:`aiohttp `: .. code-block:: python3 from discord import Webhook, AsyncWebhookAdapter import aiohttp async def foo(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: webhook = Webhook.from_url('url-here', adapter=AsyncWebhookAdapter(session)) await webhook.send('Hello World', username='Foo') Or creating a webhook from an ID and token and using :doc:`req:index`: .. code-block:: python3 import requests from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter webhook = Webhook.partial(123456, 'abcdefg', adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter()) webhook.send('Hello World', username='Foo') .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two webhooks are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two webhooks are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the webhooks's hash. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 Webhooks are now comparable and hashable. Attributes ------------ id: :class:`int` The webhook's ID type: :class:`WebhookType` The type of the webhook. .. versionadded:: 1.3 token: Optional[:class:`str`] The authentication token of the webhook. If this is ``None`` then the webhook cannot be used to make requests. guild_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The guild ID this webhook is for. channel_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The channel ID this webhook is for. user: Optional[:class:`abc.User`] The user this webhook was created by. If the webhook was received without authentication then this will be ``None``. name: Optional[:class:`str`] The default name of the webhook. avatar: Optional[:class:`str`] The default avatar of the webhook. """ __slots__ = ('id', 'type', 'guild_id', 'channel_id', 'user', 'name', 'avatar', 'token', '_state', '_adapter') def __init__(self, data, *, adapter, state=None): self.id = int(data['id']) self.type = try_enum(WebhookType, int(data['type'])) self.channel_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'channel_id') self.guild_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'guild_id') self.name = data.get('name') self.avatar = data.get('avatar') self.token = data.get('token') self._state = state or _PartialWebhookState(adapter) self._adapter = adapter self._adapter._prepare(self) user = data.get('user') if user is None: self.user = None elif state is None: self.user = BaseUser(state=None, data=user) else: self.user = User(state=state, data=user) def __repr__(self): return '' % self.id @property def url(self): """:class:`str` : Returns the webhook's url.""" return 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/{}/{}'.format(self.id, self.token) @classmethod def partial(cls, id, token, *, adapter): """Creates a partial :class:`Webhook`. Parameters ----------- id: :class:`int` The ID of the webhook. token: :class:`str` The authentication token of the webhook. adapter: :class:`WebhookAdapter` The webhook adapter to use when sending requests. This is typically :class:`AsyncWebhookAdapter` for :doc:`aiohttp ` or :class:`RequestsWebhookAdapter` for :doc:`req:index`. Returns -------- :class:`Webhook` A partial :class:`Webhook`. A partial webhook is just a webhook object with an ID and a token. """ if not isinstance(adapter, WebhookAdapter): raise TypeError('adapter must be a subclass of WebhookAdapter') data = { 'id': id, 'type': 1, 'token': token } return cls(data, adapter=adapter) @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, *, adapter): """Creates a partial :class:`Webhook` from a webhook URL. Parameters ------------ url: :class:`str` The URL of the webhook. adapter: :class:`WebhookAdapter` The webhook adapter to use when sending requests. This is typically :class:`AsyncWebhookAdapter` for :doc:`aiohttp ` or :class:`RequestsWebhookAdapter` for :doc:`req:index`. Raises ------- InvalidArgument The URL is invalid. Returns -------- :class:`Webhook` A partial :class:`Webhook`. A partial webhook is just a webhook object with an ID and a token. """ m = re.search(r'discord(?:app)?.com/api/webhooks/(?P[0-9]{17,21})/(?P[A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]{60,68})', url) if m is None: raise InvalidArgument('Invalid webhook URL given.') data = m.groupdict() data['type'] = 1 return cls(data, adapter=adapter) @classmethod def _as_follower(cls, data, *, channel, user): name = "{} #{}".format(channel.guild, channel) feed = { 'id': data['webhook_id'], 'type': 2, 'name': name, 'channel_id': channel.id, 'guild_id': channel.guild.id, 'user': { 'username': user.name, 'discriminator': user.discriminator, 'id': user.id, 'avatar': user.avatar } } session = channel._state.http._HTTPClient__session return cls(feed, adapter=AsyncWebhookAdapter(session=session)) @classmethod def from_state(cls, data, state): session = state.http._HTTPClient__session return cls(data, adapter=AsyncWebhookAdapter(session=session), state=state) @property def guild(self): """Optional[:class:`Guild`]: The guild this webhook belongs to. If this is a partial webhook, then this will always return ``None``. """ return self._state._get_guild(self.guild_id) @property def channel(self): """Optional[:class:`TextChannel`]: The text channel this webhook belongs to. If this is a partial webhook, then this will always return ``None``. """ guild = self.guild return guild and guild.get_channel(self.channel_id) @property def created_at(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: Returns the webhook's creation time in UTC.""" return utils.snowflake_time(self.id) @property def avatar_url(self): """:class:`Asset`: Returns an :class:`Asset` for the avatar the webhook has. If the webhook does not have a traditional avatar, an asset for the default avatar is returned instead. This is equivalent to calling :meth:`avatar_url_as` with the default parameters. """ return self.avatar_url_as() def avatar_url_as(self, *, format=None, size=1024): """Returns an :class:`Asset` for the avatar the webhook has. If the webhook does not have a traditional avatar, an asset for the default avatar is returned instead. The format must be one of 'jpeg', 'jpg', or 'png'. The size must be a power of 2 between 16 and 1024. Parameters ----------- format: Optional[:class:`str`] The format to attempt to convert the avatar to. If the format is ``None``, then it is equivalent to png. size: :class:`int` The size of the image to display. Raises ------ InvalidArgument Bad image format passed to ``format`` or invalid ``size``. Returns -------- :class:`Asset` The resulting CDN asset. """ if self.avatar is None: # Default is always blurple apparently return Asset(self._state, '/embed/avatars/0.png') if not utils.valid_icon_size(size): raise InvalidArgument("size must be a power of 2 between 16 and 1024") format = format or 'png' if format not in ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'): raise InvalidArgument("format must be one of 'png', 'jpg', or 'jpeg'.") url = '/avatars/{0.id}/{0.avatar}.{1}?size={2}'.format(self, format, size) return Asset(self._state, url) def delete(self, *, reason=None): """|maybecoro| Deletes this Webhook. If the webhook is constructed with a :class:`RequestsWebhookAdapter` then this is not a coroutine. Parameters ------------ reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for deleting this webhook. Shows up on the audit log. .. versionadded:: 1.4 Raises ------- HTTPException Deleting the webhook failed. NotFound This webhook does not exist. Forbidden You do not have permissions to delete this webhook. InvalidArgument This webhook does not have a token associated with it. """ if self.token is None: raise InvalidArgument('This webhook does not have a token associated with it') return self._adapter.delete_webhook(reason=reason) def edit(self, *, reason=None, **kwargs): """|maybecoro| Edits this Webhook. If the webhook is constructed with a :class:`RequestsWebhookAdapter` then this is not a coroutine. Parameters ------------ name: Optional[:class:`str`] The webhook's new default name. avatar: Optional[:class:`bytes`] A :term:`py:bytes-like object` representing the webhook's new default avatar. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this webhook. Shows up on the audit log. .. versionadded:: 1.4 Raises ------- HTTPException Editing the webhook failed. NotFound This webhook does not exist. InvalidArgument This webhook does not have a token associated with it. """ if self.token is None: raise InvalidArgument('This webhook does not have a token associated with it') payload = {} try: name = kwargs['name'] except KeyError: pass else: if name is not None: payload['name'] = str(name) else: payload['name'] = None try: avatar = kwargs['avatar'] except KeyError: pass else: if avatar is not None: payload['avatar'] = utils._bytes_to_base64_data(avatar) else: payload['avatar'] = None return self._adapter.edit_webhook(reason=reason, **payload) def send(self, content=None, *, wait=False, username=None, avatar_url=None, tts=False, file=None, files=None, embed=None, embeds=None, allowed_mentions=None): """|maybecoro| Sends a message using the webhook. If the webhook is constructed with a :class:`RequestsWebhookAdapter` then this is not a coroutine. The content must be a type that can convert to a string through ``str(content)``. To upload a single file, the ``file`` parameter should be used with a single :class:`File` object. If the ``embed`` parameter is provided, it must be of type :class:`Embed` and it must be a rich embed type. You cannot mix the ``embed`` parameter with the ``embeds`` parameter, which must be a :class:`list` of :class:`Embed` objects to send. Parameters ------------ content: :class:`str` The content of the message to send. wait: :class:`bool` Whether the server should wait before sending a response. This essentially means that the return type of this function changes from ``None`` to a :class:`Message` if set to ``True``. username: :class:`str` The username to send with this message. If no username is provided then the default username for the webhook is used. avatar_url: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`Asset`] The avatar URL to send with this message. If no avatar URL is provided then the default avatar for the webhook is used. tts: :class:`bool` Indicates if the message should be sent using text-to-speech. file: :class:`File` The file to upload. This cannot be mixed with ``files`` parameter. files: List[:class:`File`] A list of files to send with the content. This cannot be mixed with the ``file`` parameter. embed: :class:`Embed` The rich embed for the content to send. This cannot be mixed with ``embeds`` parameter. embeds: List[:class:`Embed`] A list of embeds to send with the content. Maximum of 10. This cannot be mixed with the ``embed`` parameter. allowed_mentions: :class:`AllowedMentions` Controls the mentions being processed in this message. .. versionadded:: 1.4 Raises -------- HTTPException Sending the message failed. NotFound This webhook was not found. Forbidden The authorization token for the webhook is incorrect. InvalidArgument You specified both ``embed`` and ``embeds`` or the length of ``embeds`` was invalid or there was no token associated with this webhook. Returns --------- Optional[:class:`Message`] The message that was sent. """ payload = {} if self.token is None: raise InvalidArgument('This webhook does not have a token associated with it') if files is not None and file is not None: raise InvalidArgument('Cannot mix file and files keyword arguments.') if embeds is not None and embed is not None: raise InvalidArgument('Cannot mix embed and embeds keyword arguments.') if embeds is not None: if len(embeds) > 10: raise InvalidArgument('embeds has a maximum of 10 elements.') payload['embeds'] = [e.to_dict() for e in embeds] if embed is not None: payload['embeds'] = [embed.to_dict()] if content is not None: payload['content'] = str(content) payload['tts'] = tts if avatar_url: payload['avatar_url'] = str(avatar_url) if username: payload['username'] = username previous_mentions = getattr(self._state, 'allowed_mentions', None) if allowed_mentions: if previous_mentions is not None: payload['allowed_mentions'] = previous_mentions.merge(allowed_mentions).to_dict() else: payload['allowed_mentions'] = allowed_mentions.to_dict() elif previous_mentions is not None: payload['allowed_mentions'] = previous_mentions.to_dict() return self._adapter.execute_webhook(wait=wait, file=file, files=files, payload=payload) def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): """An alias for :meth:`~.Webhook.send`.""" return self.send(*args, **kwargs)