import discord, json, os, roman, games, asyncio import database as db import onomancer as ono client = discord.Client() gamesarray = [] setupmessages = {} def config(): if not os.path.exists("config.json"): #generate default config config_dic = { "token" : "", "owners" : [ 0000 ], "prefix" : ["m;", "m!"], "soulscream channel id" : 0 } with open("config.json", "w") as config_file: json.dump(config_dic, config_file, indent=4) print("please fill in bot token and any bot admin discord ids to the new config.json file!") quit() else: with open("config.json") as config_file: return json.load(config_file) @client.event async def on_ready(): db.initialcheck() print(f"logged in as {client.user} with token {config()['token']}") @client.event async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user): if reaction.message in setupmessages.keys(): game = setupmessages[reaction.message] try: if str(reaction.emoji) == "🔼" and not user == client.user: new_player = games.player(ono.get_stats(db.get_user_player(user)["name"])) game.teams["away"].add_lineup(new_player) await"{new_player} {new_player.star_string('batting_stars')} takes spot #{len(game.teams['away'].lineup)} on the away lineup.") elif str(reaction.emoji) == "🔽" and not user == client.user: new_player = games.player(ono.get_stats(db.get_user_player(user)["name"])) game.teams["home"].add_lineup(new_player) await"{new_player} {new_player.star_string('batting_stars')} takes spot #{len(game.teams['home'].lineup)} on the home lineup.") except: await"{user.display_name}, we can't find your idol. Maybe you don't have one yet?") @client.event async def on_message(msg): if == client.user: return command_b = False for prefix in config()["prefix"]: if msg.content.startswith(prefix): command_b = True command = msg.content.split(prefix, 1)[1] if not command_b: return if in config()["owners"] and command == "introduce": await introduce( elif == config()["soulscream channel id"]: try: await except TypeError or AttributeError: await except AttributeError: await elif command.startswith("roman "): possible_int_string = command.split(" ",1)[1] try: await except ValueError: await"\"{possible_int_string}\" isn't an integer in Arabic numerals.") elif command.startswith("idolize"): if (command.startswith("idolizememe")): meme = True else: meme = False player_name = discord.utils.escape_mentions(command.split(" ",1)[1]) if len(player_name) >= 70: await"That name is too long. Please keep it below 70 characters, for my sake and yours.") return try: player_json = ono.get_stats(player_name) db.designate_player(, json.loads(player_json)) if not meme: await"{player_name} is now your idol.") else: await"{player_name} is now {}'s idol.") await"Reply if {player_name} is your idol also.") except: await"Something went wrong. Tell 16.") elif command == "showidol": try: player_json = db.get_user_player( embed=build_star_embed(player_json) embed.set_footer( await except: await"We can't find your idol. Looked everywhere, too.") elif command.startswith("showplayer "): player_name = json.loads(ono.get_stats(command.split(" ",1)[1])) await elif command.startswith("startgame\n"): if len(gamesarray) > 45: await"We're running 45 games and we doubt Discord will be happy with any more. These edit requests don't come cheap.") return try: team1 = games.get_team(command.split("\n")[1]) team2 = games.get_team(command.split("\n")[2]) innings = int(command.split("\n")[3]) except IndexError: await"We need four lines: startgame, away team, home team, and the number of innings.") return except: await"Something about that command tripped us up. Probably the number of innings at the end?") return if innings < 2: await"Anything less than 2 innings isn't even an outing. Try again.") return if team1 is not None and team2 is not None: game =, team1, team2, length=innings) game_task = asyncio.create_task(watch_game(, game)) await game_task elif command.startswith("setupgame"): if len(gamesarray) > 45: await"We're running 45 games and we doubt Discord will be happy with any more. These edit requests don't come cheap.") return for game in gamesarray: if game[0].name == await"You've already got a game in progress! Wait a tick, boss.") return try: inningmax = int(command.split("setupgame ")[1]) except: inningmax = 3 game_task = asyncio.create_task(setup_game(,,,,, length=inningmax))) await game_task elif command.startswith("saveteam\n"): save_task = asyncio.create_task(save_team_batch(msg, command)) await save_task elif command.startswith("showteam "): team = games.get_team(command.split(" ",1)[1]) if team is not None: await else: await"Can't find that team, boss. Typo?") elif command == "credit": await"Our avatar was graciously provided to us, with permission, by @HetreaSky on Twitter.") async def introduce(channel): text = """**Your name, favorite team, and pronouns**: Matteo Prestige, CHST, they/them ***only.*** There's more than one of us up here, after all. **What are you majoring in (wrong answers only)**: Economics. **Your favorite and least favorite beverage, without specifying which**: Vanilla milkshakes, chocolate milkshakes. **Favorite non-Mild Low team**: The Mills. We hope they're treating Ren alright. **If you were a current blaseball player, who would you be**: We refuse to answer this question. **Your hobbies/interests**: Minigolf, blaseball, felony insider trading. Our avatar was graciously provided to us, with permission, by @HetreaSky on Twitter. """ await channel.send(text) async def start_game(channel): msg = await channel.send("Play ball!") await asyncio.sleep(4) newgame = games.debug_game() gamesarray.append(newgame) while not newgame.over: state = newgame.gamestate_update_full() if not state.startswith("Game over"): await msg.edit(content=state) await asyncio.sleep(3) await channel.send(state) gamesarray.pop() async def setup_game(channel, owner, newgame): newgame.owner = owner await channel.send(f"Game sucessfully created!\nStart any commands for this game with `{}` so I know who's talking about what.") await asyncio.sleep(1) await channel.send("Who's pitching for the away team?") def input(msg): return msg.content.startswith( and == channel #if author or willing participant and in correct channel while newgame.teams["home"].pitcher == None: def nameinput(msg): return msg.content.startswith( and == channel #if author or willing participant and in correct channel while newgame.teams["away"].pitcher == None: try: namemsg = await client.wait_for('message', check=input) new_pitcher_name = discord.utils.escape_mentions(namemsg.content.split(f"{} ")[1]) if len(new_pitcher_name) > 70: await channel.send("That player name is too long, chief. 70 or less.") else: new_pitcher = games.player(ono.get_stats(new_pitcher_name)) newgame.teams["away"].set_pitcher(new_pitcher) await channel.send(f"{new_pitcher} {new_pitcher.star_string('pitching_stars')}, pitching for the away team!\nNow, the home team's pitcher. Same dance, folks.") except NameError: await channel.send("Uh.") try: namemsg = await client.wait_for('message', check=input) new_pitcher_name = discord.utils.escape_mentions(namemsg.content.split(f"{} ")[1]) if len(new_pitcher_name) > 70: await channel.send("That player name is too long, chief. 70 or less.") else: new_pitcher = games.player(ono.get_stats(new_pitcher_name)) newgame.teams["home"].set_pitcher(new_pitcher) await channel.send(f"And {new_pitcher} {new_pitcher.star_string('pitching_stars')}, pitching for the home team.") except: await channel.send("Uh.") #pitchers assigned! team_join_message = await channel.send(f"""Now, the lineups! I need somewhere between 1 and 12 batters. Cloning helps a lot with this sort of thing. React to this message with 🔼 to have your idol join the away team, or 🔽 to have them join the home team. You can also enter names like you did for the pitchers, with a slight difference: `away [name]` or `home [name]` instead of just the name. Creator, type `{} done` to finalize lineups.""") await team_join_message.add_reaction("🔼") await team_join_message.add_reaction("🔽") setupmessages[team_join_message] = newgame #emoji_task = asyncio.create_task(watch_for_reacts(team_join_message, ready, newgame)) #msg_task = asyncio.create_task(watch_for_messages(channel, ready, newgame)) #await asyncio.gather( # watch_for_reacts(team_join_message, newgame), # watch_for_messages(channel, newgame) # ) def messagecheck(msg): return (msg.content.startswith( and == channel and != client.user while not newgame.ready: msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=messagecheck) new_player = None if == newgame.owner and msg.content == f"{} done": if newgame.teams['home'].finalize() and newgame.teams['away'].finalize(): newgame.ready = True break else: side = None if msg.content.split(f"{} ")[1].split(" ",1)[0] == "home": side = "home" elif msg.content.split(f"{} ")[1].split(" ",1)[0] == "away": side = "away" if side is not None: new_player_name = discord.utils.escape_mentions(msg.content.split(f"{} ")[1].split(" ",1)[1]) if len(new_player_name) > 70: await channel.send("That player name is too long, chief. 70 or less.") else: new_player = games.player(ono.get_stats(new_player_name)) try: if new_player is not None: newgame.teams[side].add_lineup(new_player) await channel.send(f"{new_player} {new_player.star_string('batting_stars')} takes spot #{len(newgame.teams[side].lineup)} on the {side} lineup.") except: True del setupmessages[team_join_message] #cleanup! await channel.send("Name the away team, creator.") def ownercheck(msg): return == newgame.owner while newgame.teams["home"].name == None: while newgame.teams["away"].name == None: newname = await client.wait_for('message', check=ownercheck) if len(newname.content) < 30: newgame.teams['away'].name = newname.content await channel.send(f"Stepping onto the field, the visitors: {newname.content}!\nFinally, the home team, and we can begin.") else: await channel.send("Hey, keep these to 30 characters or less please. Discord messages have to stay short.") newname = await client.wait_for('message', check=ownercheck) if len(newname.content) < 30: newgame.teams['home'].name = newname.content await channel.send(f"Next on the diamond, your home team: {newname.content}!") else: await channel.send("Hey, keep these to 30 characters or less please. Discord messages have to stay short.") await asyncio.sleep(3) await channel.send(f"**{newgame.teams['away'].name} at {newgame.teams['home'].name}**") game_task = asyncio.create_task(watch_game(channel, newgame)) await game_task async def watch_game(channel, game): blank_emoji = discord.utils.get(client.emojis, id = 790899850295509053) empty_base = discord.utils.get(client.emojis, id = 790899850395779074) occupied_base = discord.utils.get(client.emojis, id = 790899850320543745) out_emoji = discord.utils.get(client.emojis, id = 791578957241778226) in_emoji = discord.utils.get(client.emojis, id = 791578957244792832) newgame = game embed = await channel.send("Starting...") await asyncio.sleep(1) await await asyncio.sleep(1) use_emoji_names = True for game in gamesarray: if game[1]: use_emoji_names = False gamesarray.append((newgame,use_emoji_names)) pause = 0 top_of_inning = True while not newgame.over or newgame.top_of_inning != top_of_inning: state = newgame.gamestate_display_full() new_embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.purple(), title=f"{newgame.teams['away'].name} at {newgame.teams['home'].name}") new_embed.add_field(name=newgame.teams['away'].name, value=newgame.teams['away'].score, inline=True) new_embed.add_field(name=newgame.teams['home'].name, value=newgame.teams['home'].score, inline=True) if top_of_inning: new_embed.add_field(name="Inning:", value=f"🔼 {newgame.inning}", inline=True) else: new_embed.add_field(name="Inning:", value=f"🔽 {newgame.inning}", inline=True) new_embed.add_field(name="Outs:", value=f"{str(out_emoji)*newgame.outs+str(in_emoji)*(2-newgame.outs)}", inline=False) new_embed.add_field(name="Pitcher:", value=newgame.get_pitcher(), inline=False) new_embed.add_field(name="Batter:", value=newgame.get_batter(), inline=False) if state == "Game not started.": new_embed.add_field(name="🍿", value="Play blall!", inline=False) elif newgame.top_of_inning != top_of_inning: pause = 2 new_embed.set_field_at(4, name="Pitcher:", value="-", inline=False) new_embed.set_field_at(5, name="Batter:", value="-", inline=False) if newgame.top_of_inning: new_embed.set_field_at(2,name="Inning:",value=f"🔽 {newgame.inning-1}") if pause == 1: if newgame.top_of_inning: new_embed.add_field(name="🍿", value=f"Top of {newgame.inning}. {newgame.teams['away'].name} batting!", inline=False) else: new_embed.add_field(name="🍿", value=f"Bottom of {newgame.inning}. {newgame.teams['home'].name} batting!", inline=False) if pause != 1 and state != "Game not started.": punc = "" if newgame.last_update[0]["defender"] != "": punc = "." updatestring = f"{newgame.last_update[0]['batter']} {newgame.last_update[0]['text'].value} {newgame.last_update[0]['defender']}{punc}" if newgame.last_update[1] > 0: updatestring += f"{newgame.last_update[1]} runs scored!" new_embed.add_field(name="🏏", value=updatestring, inline=False) basemessage = str(blank_emoji) if newgame.bases[2] is not None: basemessage += str(occupied_base) + "\n" else: basemessage += str(empty_base) + "\n" basemessage_b = "" if newgame.bases[3] is not None: basemessage += str(occupied_base) else: basemessage += str(empty_base) basemessage += str(blank_emoji) if newgame.bases[1] is not None: basemessage += str(occupied_base) else: basemessage += str(empty_base) new_embed.add_field(name="Bases:", value=basemessage, inline = False) await embed.edit(content=None, embed=new_embed) top_of_inning = newgame.top_of_inning if pause <= 1: newgame.gamestate_update_full() pause -= 1 await asyncio.sleep(6) final_embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.dark_purple(), title=f"{newgame.teams['away'].name} at {newgame.teams['home'].name}") scorestring = f"{newgame.teams['away'].score} to {newgame.teams['home'].score}\n" if newgame.teams['away'].score > newgame.teams['home'].score: scorestring += f"{newgame.teams['away'].name} wins!" else: scorestring += f"{newgame.teams['home'].name} wins!" final_embed.add_field(name="Final score:", value=scorestring) await embed.edit(content=None, embed=final_embed) await embed.unpin() gamesarray.pop(gamesarray.index((newgame,use_emoji_names))) #cleanup is important! del newgame def build_team_embed(team): embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.purple(), lineup_string = "" for player in team.lineup: lineup_string += f"{} {player.star_string('batting_stars')}\n" embed.add_field(name="Pitcher:", value=f"{} {team.pitcher.star_string('pitching_stars')}", inline = False) embed.add_field(name="Lineup:", value=lineup_string, inline = False) embed.set_footer(text=team.slogan) return embed def build_star_embed(player_json): starkeys = {"batting_stars" : "Batting", "pitching_stars" : "Pitching", "baserunning_stars" : "Baserunning", "defense_stars" : "Defense"} embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.purple(), title=player_json["name"]) for key in starkeys.keys(): embedstring = "" starstring = str(player_json[key]) if ".5" in starstring: starnum = int(starstring[0]) addhalf = True else: starnum = int(player_json[key]) addhalf = False embedstring += "⭐" * starnum if addhalf: embedstring += "✨" embed.add_field(name=starkeys[key], value=embedstring, inline=False) return embed async def save_team_batch(message, command): newteam = #try: roster = command.split("\n",1)[1].split("\n") = roster[0] #first line is team name newteam.slogan = roster[1] #second line is slogan for rosternum in range(2,len(roster)-1): if roster[rosternum] != "": if len(roster[rosternum]) > 70: await channel.send(f"{roster[rosternum]} is too long, chief. 70 or less.") return newteam.add_lineup(games.player(ono.get_stats(roster[rosternum]))) if len(roster[len(roster)-1]) > 70: await channel.send(f"{roster[len(roster)-1]} is too long, chief. 70 or less.") return newteam.set_pitcher(games.player(ono.get_stats(roster[len(roster)-1]))) #last line is pitcher name if len( > 30: await"Team names have to be less than 30 characters! Try again.") return elif len(newteam.slogan) > 100: await"We've given you 100 characters for the slogan. Discord puts limits on us and thus, we put limits on you. C'est la vie.") return await checkmsg = await"Does this look good to you, boss?") await checkmsg.add_reaction("👍") await checkmsg.add_reaction("👎") def react_check(react, user): return user == and react.message == checkmsg try: react, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=20.0, check=react_check) if react.emoji == "👍": await"You got it, chief. Saving now.") games.save_team(newteam) await"Saved! Thank you for flying Air Matteo. We hope you had a pleasant data entry.") return elif react.emoji == "👎": await"Message received. Pumping brakes, turning this car around. Try again, chief.") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await"Look, I don't have all day. 20 seconds is long enough, right? Try again.") return #except: #await"uh.")["token"])