import asyncio import logging import socket import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from import Iterable from importlib import import_module from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, List, Optional, Type, Union, cast from .abc import AbstractAccessLogger from .helpers import all_tasks from .log import access_logger from .web_app import Application as Application from .web_app import CleanupError as CleanupError from .web_exceptions import HTTPAccepted as HTTPAccepted from .web_exceptions import HTTPBadGateway as HTTPBadGateway from .web_exceptions import HTTPBadRequest as HTTPBadRequest from .web_exceptions import HTTPClientError as HTTPClientError from .web_exceptions import HTTPConflict as HTTPConflict from .web_exceptions import HTTPCreated as HTTPCreated from .web_exceptions import HTTPError as HTTPError from .web_exceptions import HTTPException as HTTPException from .web_exceptions import HTTPExpectationFailed as HTTPExpectationFailed from .web_exceptions import HTTPFailedDependency as HTTPFailedDependency from .web_exceptions import HTTPForbidden as HTTPForbidden from .web_exceptions import HTTPFound as HTTPFound from .web_exceptions import HTTPGatewayTimeout as HTTPGatewayTimeout from .web_exceptions import HTTPGone as HTTPGone from .web_exceptions import HTTPInsufficientStorage as HTTPInsufficientStorage from .web_exceptions import HTTPInternalServerError as HTTPInternalServerError from .web_exceptions import HTTPLengthRequired as HTTPLengthRequired from .web_exceptions import HTTPMethodNotAllowed as HTTPMethodNotAllowed from .web_exceptions import HTTPMisdirectedRequest as HTTPMisdirectedRequest from .web_exceptions import HTTPMovedPermanently as HTTPMovedPermanently from .web_exceptions import HTTPMultipleChoices as HTTPMultipleChoices from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired as HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPNoContent as HTTPNoContent from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation as HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPNotAcceptable as HTTPNotAcceptable from .web_exceptions import HTTPNotExtended as HTTPNotExtended from .web_exceptions import HTTPNotFound as HTTPNotFound from .web_exceptions import HTTPNotImplemented as HTTPNotImplemented from .web_exceptions import HTTPNotModified as HTTPNotModified from .web_exceptions import HTTPOk as HTTPOk from .web_exceptions import HTTPPartialContent as HTTPPartialContent from .web_exceptions import HTTPPaymentRequired as HTTPPaymentRequired from .web_exceptions import HTTPPermanentRedirect as HTTPPermanentRedirect from .web_exceptions import HTTPPreconditionFailed as HTTPPreconditionFailed from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPPreconditionRequired as HTTPPreconditionRequired, ) from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired as HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPRedirection as HTTPRedirection from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge as HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, ) from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge as HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, ) from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable as HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPRequestTimeout as HTTPRequestTimeout from .web_exceptions import HTTPRequestURITooLong as HTTPRequestURITooLong from .web_exceptions import HTTPResetContent as HTTPResetContent from .web_exceptions import HTTPSeeOther as HTTPSeeOther from .web_exceptions import HTTPServerError as HTTPServerError from .web_exceptions import HTTPServiceUnavailable as HTTPServiceUnavailable from .web_exceptions import HTTPSuccessful as HTTPSuccessful from .web_exceptions import HTTPTemporaryRedirect as HTTPTemporaryRedirect from .web_exceptions import HTTPTooManyRequests as HTTPTooManyRequests from .web_exceptions import HTTPUnauthorized as HTTPUnauthorized from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons as HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPUnprocessableEntity as HTTPUnprocessableEntity from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPUnsupportedMediaType as HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPUpgradeRequired as HTTPUpgradeRequired from .web_exceptions import HTTPUseProxy as HTTPUseProxy from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates as HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates, ) from .web_exceptions import HTTPVersionNotSupported as HTTPVersionNotSupported from .web_fileresponse import FileResponse as FileResponse from .web_log import AccessLogger from .web_middlewares import middleware as middleware from .web_middlewares import ( normalize_path_middleware as normalize_path_middleware, ) from .web_protocol import PayloadAccessError as PayloadAccessError from .web_protocol import RequestHandler as RequestHandler from .web_protocol import RequestPayloadError as RequestPayloadError from .web_request import BaseRequest as BaseRequest from .web_request import FileField as FileField from .web_request import Request as Request from .web_response import ContentCoding as ContentCoding from .web_response import Response as Response from .web_response import StreamResponse as StreamResponse from .web_response import json_response as json_response from .web_routedef import AbstractRouteDef as AbstractRouteDef from .web_routedef import RouteDef as RouteDef from .web_routedef import RouteTableDef as RouteTableDef from .web_routedef import StaticDef as StaticDef from .web_routedef import delete as delete from .web_routedef import get as get from .web_routedef import head as head from .web_routedef import options as options from .web_routedef import patch as patch from .web_routedef import post as post from .web_routedef import put as put from .web_routedef import route as route from .web_routedef import static as static from .web_routedef import view as view from .web_runner import AppRunner as AppRunner from .web_runner import BaseRunner as BaseRunner from .web_runner import BaseSite as BaseSite from .web_runner import GracefulExit as GracefulExit from .web_runner import NamedPipeSite as NamedPipeSite from .web_runner import ServerRunner as ServerRunner from .web_runner import SockSite as SockSite from .web_runner import TCPSite as TCPSite from .web_runner import UnixSite as UnixSite from .web_server import Server as Server from .web_urldispatcher import AbstractResource as AbstractResource from .web_urldispatcher import AbstractRoute as AbstractRoute from .web_urldispatcher import DynamicResource as DynamicResource from .web_urldispatcher import PlainResource as PlainResource from .web_urldispatcher import Resource as Resource from .web_urldispatcher import ResourceRoute as ResourceRoute from .web_urldispatcher import StaticResource as StaticResource from .web_urldispatcher import UrlDispatcher as UrlDispatcher from .web_urldispatcher import UrlMappingMatchInfo as UrlMappingMatchInfo from .web_urldispatcher import View as View from .web_ws import WebSocketReady as WebSocketReady from .web_ws import WebSocketResponse as WebSocketResponse from .web_ws import WSMsgType as WSMsgType __all__ = ( # web_app 'Application', 'CleanupError', # web_exceptions 'HTTPAccepted', 'HTTPBadGateway', 'HTTPBadRequest', 'HTTPClientError', 'HTTPConflict', 'HTTPCreated', 'HTTPError', 'HTTPException', 'HTTPExpectationFailed', 'HTTPFailedDependency', 'HTTPForbidden', 'HTTPFound', 'HTTPGatewayTimeout', 'HTTPGone', 'HTTPInsufficientStorage', 'HTTPInternalServerError', 'HTTPLengthRequired', 'HTTPMethodNotAllowed', 'HTTPMisdirectedRequest', 'HTTPMovedPermanently', 'HTTPMultipleChoices', 'HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired', 'HTTPNoContent', 'HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation', 'HTTPNotAcceptable', 'HTTPNotExtended', 'HTTPNotFound', 'HTTPNotImplemented', 'HTTPNotModified', 'HTTPOk', 'HTTPPartialContent', 'HTTPPaymentRequired', 'HTTPPermanentRedirect', 'HTTPPreconditionFailed', 'HTTPPreconditionRequired', 'HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired', 'HTTPRedirection', 'HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge', 'HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge', 'HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable', 'HTTPRequestTimeout', 'HTTPRequestURITooLong', 'HTTPResetContent', 'HTTPSeeOther', 'HTTPServerError', 'HTTPServiceUnavailable', 'HTTPSuccessful', 'HTTPTemporaryRedirect', 'HTTPTooManyRequests', 'HTTPUnauthorized', 'HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons', 'HTTPUnprocessableEntity', 'HTTPUnsupportedMediaType', 'HTTPUpgradeRequired', 'HTTPUseProxy', 'HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates', 'HTTPVersionNotSupported', # web_fileresponse 'FileResponse', # web_middlewares 'middleware', 'normalize_path_middleware', # web_protocol 'PayloadAccessError', 'RequestHandler', 'RequestPayloadError', # web_request 'BaseRequest', 'FileField', 'Request', # web_response 'ContentCoding', 'Response', 'StreamResponse', 'json_response', # web_routedef 'AbstractRouteDef', 'RouteDef', 'RouteTableDef', 'StaticDef', 'delete', 'get', 'head', 'options', 'patch', 'post', 'put', 'route', 'static', 'view', # web_runner 'AppRunner', 'BaseRunner', 'BaseSite', 'GracefulExit', 'ServerRunner', 'SockSite', 'TCPSite', 'UnixSite', 'NamedPipeSite', # web_server 'Server', # web_urldispatcher 'AbstractResource', 'AbstractRoute', 'DynamicResource', 'PlainResource', 'Resource', 'ResourceRoute', 'StaticResource', 'UrlDispatcher', 'UrlMappingMatchInfo', 'View', # web_ws 'WebSocketReady', 'WebSocketResponse', 'WSMsgType', # web 'run_app', ) try: from ssl import SSLContext except ImportError: # pragma: no cover SSLContext = Any # type: ignore async def _run_app(app: Union[Application, Awaitable[Application]], *, host: Optional[str]=None, port: Optional[int]=None, path: Optional[str]=None, sock: Optional[socket.socket]=None, shutdown_timeout: float=60.0, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext]=None, print: Callable[..., None]=print, backlog: int=128, access_log_class: Type[AbstractAccessLogger]=AccessLogger, access_log_format: str=AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, access_log: Optional[logging.Logger]=access_logger, handle_signals: bool=True, reuse_address: Optional[bool]=None, reuse_port: Optional[bool]=None) -> None: # A internal functio to actually do all dirty job for application running if asyncio.iscoroutine(app): app = await app # type: ignore app = cast(Application, app) runner = AppRunner(app, handle_signals=handle_signals, access_log_class=access_log_class, access_log_format=access_log_format, access_log=access_log) await runner.setup() sites = [] # type: List[BaseSite] try: if host is not None: if isinstance(host, (str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): sites.append(TCPSite(runner, host, port, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port)) else: for h in host: sites.append(TCPSite(runner, h, port, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port)) elif path is None and sock is None or port is not None: sites.append(TCPSite(runner, port=port, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port)) if path is not None: if isinstance(path, (str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): sites.append(UnixSite(runner, path, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog)) else: for p in path: sites.append(UnixSite(runner, p, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog)) if sock is not None: if not isinstance(sock, Iterable): sites.append(SockSite(runner, sock, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog)) else: for s in sock: sites.append(SockSite(runner, s, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog)) for site in sites: await site.start() if print: # pragma: no branch names = sorted(str( for s in runner.sites) print("======== Running on {} ========\n" "(Press CTRL+C to quit)".format(', '.join(names))) while True: await asyncio.sleep(3600) # sleep forever by 1 hour intervals finally: await runner.cleanup() def _cancel_all_tasks(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None: to_cancel = all_tasks(loop) if not to_cancel: return for task in to_cancel: task.cancel() loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.gather(*to_cancel, loop=loop, return_exceptions=True)) for task in to_cancel: if task.cancelled(): continue if task.exception() is not None: loop.call_exception_handler({ 'message': 'unhandled exception during shutdown', 'exception': task.exception(), 'task': task, }) def run_app(app: Union[Application, Awaitable[Application]], *, host: Optional[str]=None, port: Optional[int]=None, path: Optional[str]=None, sock: Optional[socket.socket]=None, shutdown_timeout: float=60.0, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext]=None, print: Callable[..., None]=print, backlog: int=128, access_log_class: Type[AbstractAccessLogger]=AccessLogger, access_log_format: str=AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, access_log: Optional[logging.Logger]=access_logger, handle_signals: bool=True, reuse_address: Optional[bool]=None, reuse_port: Optional[bool]=None) -> None: """Run an app locally""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Configure if and only if in debugging mode and using the default logger if loop.get_debug() and access_log and == 'aiohttp.access': if access_log.level == logging.NOTSET: access_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not access_log.hasHandlers(): access_log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) try: loop.run_until_complete(_run_app(app, host=host, port=port, path=path, sock=sock, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, print=print, backlog=backlog, access_log_class=access_log_class, access_log_format=access_log_format, access_log=access_log, handle_signals=handle_signals, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port)) except (GracefulExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # pragma: no cover pass finally: _cancel_all_tasks(loop) if sys.version_info >= (3, 6): # don't use PY_36 to pass mypy loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) loop.close() def main(argv: List[str]) -> None: arg_parser = ArgumentParser( description="aiohttp.web Application server", prog="aiohttp.web" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "entry_func", help=("Callable returning the `aiohttp.web.Application` instance to " "run. Should be specified in the 'module:function' syntax."), metavar="entry-func" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-H", "--hostname", help="TCP/IP hostname to serve on (default: %(default)r)", default="localhost" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-P", "--port", help="TCP/IP port to serve on (default: %(default)r)", type=int, default="8080" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-U", "--path", help="Unix file system path to serve on. Specifying a path will cause " "hostname and port arguments to be ignored.", ) args, extra_argv = arg_parser.parse_known_args(argv) # Import logic mod_str, _, func_str = args.entry_func.partition(":") if not func_str or not mod_str: arg_parser.error( "'entry-func' not in 'module:function' syntax" ) if mod_str.startswith("."): arg_parser.error("relative module names not supported") try: module = import_module(mod_str) except ImportError as ex: arg_parser.error("unable to import %s: %s" % (mod_str, ex)) try: func = getattr(module, func_str) except AttributeError: arg_parser.error("module %r has no attribute %r" % (mod_str, func_str)) # Compatibility logic if args.path is not None and not hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'): arg_parser.error("file system paths not supported by your operating" " environment") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) app = func(extra_argv) run_app(app, host=args.hostname, port=args.port, path=args.path) arg_parser.exit(message="Stopped\n") if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no branch main(sys.argv[1:]) # pragma: no cover