# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Rapptz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import itertools import sys from operator import attrgetter import discord.abc from . import utils from .user import BaseUser, User from .activity import create_activity from .permissions import Permissions from .enums import Status, try_enum, UserFlags, HypeSquadHouse from .colour import Colour from .object import Object class VoiceState: """Represents a Discord user's voice state. Attributes ------------ deaf: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently deafened by the guild. mute: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently muted by the guild. self_mute: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently muted by their own accord. self_deaf: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently deafened by their own accord. self_stream: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently streaming via 'Go Live' feature. .. versionadded:: 1.3 self_video: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently broadcasting video. afk: :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is currently in the AFK channel in the guild. channel: Optional[:class:`VoiceChannel`] The voice channel that the user is currently connected to. ``None`` if the user is not currently in a voice channel. """ __slots__ = ('session_id', 'deaf', 'mute', 'self_mute', 'self_stream', 'self_video', 'self_deaf', 'afk', 'channel') def __init__(self, *, data, channel=None): self.session_id = data.get('session_id') self._update(data, channel) def _update(self, data, channel): self.self_mute = data.get('self_mute', False) self.self_deaf = data.get('self_deaf', False) self.self_stream = data.get('self_stream', False) self.self_video = data.get('self_video', False) self.afk = data.get('suppress', False) self.mute = data.get('mute', False) self.deaf = data.get('deaf', False) self.channel = channel def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) def flatten_user(cls): for attr, value in itertools.chain(BaseUser.__dict__.items(), User.__dict__.items()): # ignore private/special methods if attr.startswith('_'): continue # don't override what we already have if attr in cls.__dict__: continue # if it's a slotted attribute or a property, redirect it # slotted members are implemented as member_descriptors in Type.__dict__ if not hasattr(value, '__annotations__'): getter = attrgetter('_user.' + attr) setattr(cls, attr, property(getter, doc='Equivalent to :attr:`User.%s`' % attr)) else: # Technically, this can also use attrgetter # However I'm not sure how I feel about "functions" returning properties # It probably breaks something in Sphinx. # probably a member function by now def generate_function(x): def general(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self._user, x)(*args, **kwargs) general.__name__ = x return general func = generate_function(attr) func.__doc__ = value.__doc__ setattr(cls, attr, func) return cls _BaseUser = discord.abc.User @flatten_user class Member(discord.abc.Messageable, _BaseUser): """Represents a Discord member to a :class:`Guild`. This implements a lot of the functionality of :class:`User`. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two members are equal. Note that this works with :class:`User` instances too. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two members are not equal. Note that this works with :class:`User` instances too. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the member's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the member's name with the discriminator. Attributes ---------- joined_at: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`] A datetime object that specifies the date and time in UTC that the member joined the guild. If the member left and rejoined the guild, this will be the latest date. In certain cases, this can be ``None``. activities: Tuple[Union[:class:`BaseActivity`, :class:`Spotify`]] The activities that the user is currently doing. guild: :class:`Guild` The guild that the member belongs to. nick: Optional[:class:`str`] The guild specific nickname of the user. premium_since: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`] A datetime object that specifies the date and time in UTC when the member used their Nitro boost on the guild, if available. This could be ``None``. """ __slots__ = ('_roles', 'joined_at', 'premium_since', '_client_status', 'activities', 'guild', 'nick', '_user', '_state') def __init__(self, *, data, guild, state): self._state = state self._user = state.store_user(data['user']) self.guild = guild self.joined_at = utils.parse_time(data.get('joined_at')) self.premium_since = utils.parse_time(data.get('premium_since')) self._update_roles(data) self._client_status = { None: 'offline' } self.activities = tuple(map(create_activity, data.get('activities', []))) self.nick = data.get('nick', None) def __str__(self): return str(self._user) def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self, self._user) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, _BaseUser) and other.id == self.id def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._user) @classmethod def _from_message(cls, *, message, data): author = message.author data['user'] = author._to_minimal_user_json() return cls(data=data, guild=message.guild, state=message._state) def _update_from_message(self, data): self.joined_at = utils.parse_time(data.get('joined_at')) self.premium_since = utils.parse_time(data.get('premium_since')) self._update_roles(data) self.nick = data.get('nick', None) @classmethod def _try_upgrade(cls, *, data, guild, state): # A User object with a 'member' key try: member_data = data.pop('member') except KeyError: return state.store_user(data) else: member_data['user'] = data return cls(data=member_data, guild=guild, state=state) @classmethod def _from_presence_update(cls, *, data, guild, state): clone = cls(data=data, guild=guild, state=state) to_return = cls(data=data, guild=guild, state=state) to_return._client_status = { sys.intern(key): sys.intern(value) for key, value in data.get('client_status', {}).items() } to_return._client_status[None] = sys.intern(data['status']) return to_return, clone @classmethod def _copy(cls, member): self = cls.__new__(cls) # to bypass __init__ self._roles = utils.SnowflakeList(member._roles, is_sorted=True) self.joined_at = member.joined_at self.premium_since = member.premium_since self._client_status = member._client_status.copy() self.guild = member.guild self.nick = member.nick self.activities = member.activities self._state = member._state # Reference will not be copied unless necessary by PRESENCE_UPDATE # See below self._user = member._user return self async def _get_channel(self): ch = await self.create_dm() return ch def _update_roles(self, data): self._roles = utils.SnowflakeList(map(int, data['roles'])) def _update(self, data): # the nickname change is optional, # if it isn't in the payload then it didn't change try: self.nick = data['nick'] except KeyError: pass self.premium_since = utils.parse_time(data.get('premium_since')) self._update_roles(data) def _presence_update(self, data, user): self.activities = tuple(map(create_activity, data.get('activities', []))) self._client_status = { sys.intern(key): sys.intern(value) for key, value in data.get('client_status', {}).items() } self._client_status[None] = sys.intern(data['status']) if len(user) > 1: return self._update_inner_user(user) return False def _update_inner_user(self, user): u = self._user original = (u.name, u.avatar, u.discriminator) # These keys seem to always be available modified = (user['username'], user['avatar'], user['discriminator']) if original != modified: to_return = User._copy(self._user) u.name, u.avatar, u.discriminator = modified # Signal to dispatch on_user_update return to_return, u @property def status(self): """:class:`Status`: The member's overall status. If the value is unknown, then it will be a :class:`str` instead.""" return try_enum(Status, self._client_status[None]) @property def raw_status(self): """:class:`str`: The member's overall status as a string value. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ return self._client_status[None] @status.setter def status(self, value): # internal use only self._client_status[None] = str(value) @property def mobile_status(self): """:class:`Status`: The member's status on a mobile device, if applicable.""" return try_enum(Status, self._client_status.get('mobile', 'offline')) @property def desktop_status(self): """:class:`Status`: The member's status on the desktop client, if applicable.""" return try_enum(Status, self._client_status.get('desktop', 'offline')) @property def web_status(self): """:class:`Status`: The member's status on the web client, if applicable.""" return try_enum(Status, self._client_status.get('web', 'offline')) def is_on_mobile(self): """:class:`bool`: A helper function that determines if a member is active on a mobile device.""" return 'mobile' in self._client_status @property def colour(self): """:class:`Colour`: A property that returns a colour denoting the rendered colour for the member. If the default colour is the one rendered then an instance of :meth:`Colour.default` is returned. There is an alias for this named :attr:`color`. """ roles = self.roles[1:] # remove @everyone # highest order of the colour is the one that gets rendered. # if the highest is the default colour then the next one with a colour # is chosen instead for role in reversed(roles): if role.colour.value: return role.colour return Colour.default() @property def color(self): """:class:`Colour`: A property that returns a color denoting the rendered color for the member. If the default color is the one rendered then an instance of :meth:`Colour.default` is returned. There is an alias for this named :attr:`colour`. """ return self.colour @property def roles(self): """List[:class:`Role`]: A :class:`list` of :class:`Role` that the member belongs to. Note that the first element of this list is always the default '@everyone' role. These roles are sorted by their position in the role hierarchy. """ result = [] g = self.guild for role_id in self._roles: role = g.get_role(role_id) if role: result.append(role) result.append(g.default_role) result.sort() return result @property def mention(self): """:class:`str`: Returns a string that allows you to mention the member.""" if self.nick: return '<@!%s>' % self.id return '<@%s>' % self.id @property def display_name(self): """:class:`str`: Returns the user's display name. For regular users this is just their username, but if they have a guild specific nickname then that is returned instead. """ return self.nick if self.nick is not None else self.name @property def activity(self): """Union[:class:`BaseActivity`, :class:`Spotify`]: Returns the primary activity the user is currently doing. Could be ``None`` if no activity is being done. .. note:: A user may have multiple activities, these can be accessed under :attr:`activities`. """ if self.activities: return self.activities[0] def mentioned_in(self, message): """Checks if the member is mentioned in the specified message. Parameters ----------- message: :class:`Message` The message to check if you're mentioned in. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Indicates if the member is mentioned in the message. """ if message.guild is None or message.guild.id != self.guild.id: return False if self._user.mentioned_in(message): return True for role in message.role_mentions: if self._roles.has(role.id): return True return False def permissions_in(self, channel): """An alias for :meth:`abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for`. Basically equivalent to: .. code-block:: python3 channel.permissions_for(self) Parameters ----------- channel: :class:`abc.GuildChannel` The channel to check your permissions for. Returns ------- :class:`Permissions` The resolved permissions for the member. """ return channel.permissions_for(self) @property def top_role(self): """:class:`Role`: Returns the member's highest role. This is useful for figuring where a member stands in the role hierarchy chain. """ guild = self.guild if len(self._roles) == 0: return guild.default_role return max(guild.get_role(rid) or guild.default_role for rid in self._roles) @property def guild_permissions(self): """:class:`Permissions`: Returns the member's guild permissions. This only takes into consideration the guild permissions and not most of the implied permissions or any of the channel permission overwrites. For 100% accurate permission calculation, please use either :meth:`permissions_in` or :meth:`abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for`. This does take into consideration guild ownership and the administrator implication. """ if self.guild.owner_id == self.id: return Permissions.all() base = Permissions.none() for r in self.roles: base.value |= r.permissions.value if base.administrator: return Permissions.all() return base @property def voice(self): """Optional[:class:`VoiceState`]: Returns the member's current voice state.""" return self.guild._voice_state_for(self._user.id) async def ban(self, **kwargs): """|coro| Bans this member. Equivalent to :meth:`Guild.ban`. """ await self.guild.ban(self, **kwargs) async def unban(self, *, reason=None): """|coro| Unbans this member. Equivalent to :meth:`Guild.unban`. """ await self.guild.unban(self, reason=reason) async def kick(self, *, reason=None): """|coro| Kicks this member. Equivalent to :meth:`Guild.kick`. """ await self.guild.kick(self, reason=reason) async def edit(self, *, reason=None, **fields): """|coro| Edits the member's data. Depending on the parameter passed, this requires different permissions listed below: +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Permission | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | nick | :attr:`Permissions.manage_nicknames` | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | mute | :attr:`Permissions.mute_members` | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | deafen | :attr:`Permissions.deafen_members` | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | roles | :attr:`Permissions.manage_roles` | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | voice_channel | :attr:`Permissions.move_members` | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ All parameters are optional. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Can now pass ``None`` to ``voice_channel`` to kick a member from voice. Parameters ----------- nick: Optional[:class:`str`] The member's new nickname. Use ``None`` to remove the nickname. mute: :class:`bool` Indicates if the member should be guild muted or un-muted. deafen: :class:`bool` Indicates if the member should be guild deafened or un-deafened. roles: Optional[List[:class:`Role`]] The member's new list of roles. This *replaces* the roles. voice_channel: Optional[:class:`VoiceChannel`] The voice channel to move the member to. Pass ``None`` to kick them from voice. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this member. Shows up on the audit log. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have the proper permissions to the action requested. HTTPException The operation failed. """ http = self._state.http guild_id = self.guild.id payload = {} try: nick = fields['nick'] except KeyError: # nick not present so... pass else: nick = nick if nick else '' if self._state.self_id == self.id: await http.change_my_nickname(guild_id, nick, reason=reason) else: payload['nick'] = nick deafen = fields.get('deafen') if deafen is not None: payload['deaf'] = deafen mute = fields.get('mute') if mute is not None: payload['mute'] = mute try: vc = fields['voice_channel'] except KeyError: pass else: payload['channel_id'] = vc and vc.id try: roles = fields['roles'] except KeyError: pass else: payload['roles'] = tuple(r.id for r in roles) await http.edit_member(guild_id, self.id, reason=reason, **payload) # TODO: wait for WS event for modify-in-place behaviour async def move_to(self, channel, *, reason=None): """|coro| Moves a member to a new voice channel (they must be connected first). You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.move_members` permission to use this. This raises the same exceptions as :meth:`edit`. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Can now pass ``None`` to kick a member from voice. Parameters ----------- channel: Optional[:class:`VoiceChannel`] The new voice channel to move the member to. Pass ``None`` to kick them from voice. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for doing this action. Shows up on the audit log. """ await self.edit(voice_channel=channel, reason=reason) async def add_roles(self, *roles, reason=None, atomic=True): r"""|coro| Gives the member a number of :class:`Role`\s. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_roles` permission to use this. Parameters ----------- \*roles: :class:`abc.Snowflake` An argument list of :class:`abc.Snowflake` representing a :class:`Role` to give to the member. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for adding these roles. Shows up on the audit log. atomic: :class:`bool` Whether to atomically add roles. This will ensure that multiple operations will always be applied regardless of the current state of the cache. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have permissions to add these roles. HTTPException Adding roles failed. """ if not atomic: new_roles = utils._unique(Object(id=r.id) for s in (self.roles[1:], roles) for r in s) await self.edit(roles=new_roles, reason=reason) else: req = self._state.http.add_role guild_id = self.guild.id user_id = self.id for role in roles: await req(guild_id, user_id, role.id, reason=reason) async def remove_roles(self, *roles, reason=None, atomic=True): r"""|coro| Removes :class:`Role`\s from this member. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_roles` permission to use this. Parameters ----------- \*roles: :class:`abc.Snowflake` An argument list of :class:`abc.Snowflake` representing a :class:`Role` to remove from the member. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for removing these roles. Shows up on the audit log. atomic: :class:`bool` Whether to atomically remove roles. This will ensure that multiple operations will always be applied regardless of the current state of the cache. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have permissions to remove these roles. HTTPException Removing the roles failed. """ if not atomic: new_roles = [Object(id=r.id) for r in self.roles[1:]] # remove @everyone for role in roles: try: new_roles.remove(Object(id=role.id)) except ValueError: pass await self.edit(roles=new_roles, reason=reason) else: req = self._state.http.remove_role guild_id = self.guild.id user_id = self.id for role in roles: await req(guild_id, user_id, role.id, reason=reason)