
130 lines
6.1 KiB

import asyncio, time, datetime, games, json, threading
from flask import Flask, url_for, Response, render_template, request, jsonify
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
app = Flask("the-prestige")
app.config['SECRET KEY'] = 'dev'
socketio = SocketIO(app)
def index():
return render_template("index.html")
def get_game_states():
return states_to_send
def handle_new_conn(data):
socketio.emit("states_update", last_update, room=request.sid)
thread2 = threading.Thread(,args=(app,))
master_games_dic = {} #key timestamp : (game game, {} state)
last_update = {}
def update_loop():
while True:
states_to_send = {}
game_times = iter(master_games_dic.copy().keys())
for game_time in game_times:
this_game, state, discrim_string = master_games_dic[game_time]
test_string = this_game.gamestate_display_full()
state["leagueoruser"] = discrim_string
state["display_inning"] = this_game.inning #games need to be initialized with the following keys in state:
state["outs"] = this_game.outs #away_name
state["pitcher"] = this_game.get_pitcher().name #home_name
state["batter"] = this_game.get_batter().name #max_innings
state["away_score"] = this_game.teams["away"].score #top_of_inning = True
state["home_score"] = this_game.teams["home"].score #update_pause = 0
#victory_lap = False
if test_string == "Game not started.": #weather_emoji
state["update_emoji"] = "🍿" #weather_text
state["update_text"] = "Play blall!" #they also need a timestamp
state["start_delay"] -= 1
state["display_top_of_inning"] = state["top_of_inning"]
if state["start_delay"] <= 0:
if this_game.top_of_inning != state["top_of_inning"]:
state["update_pause"] = 2
state["pitcher"] = "-"
state["batter"] = "-"
if not state["top_of_inning"]:
state["display_inning"] -= 1
state["display_top_of_inning"] = False
if state["update_pause"] == 1:
state["update_emoji"] = "🍿"
if this_game.over:
state["display_inning"] -= 1
state["display_top_of_inning"] = False
winning_team = this_game.teams['home'].name if this_game.teams['home'].score > this_game.teams['away'].score else this_game.teams['away'].name
if this_game.victory_lap and winning_team == this_game.teams['home'].name:
state["update_text"] = f"{winning_team} wins with a victory lap!"
elif winning_team == this_game.teams['home'].name:
state["update_text"] = f"{winning_team} wins, shaming {this_game.teams['away'].name}!"
state["update_text"] = f"{winning_team} wins!"
state["pitcher"] = "-"
state["batter"] = "-"
elif this_game.top_of_inning:
state["update_text"] = f"Top of {this_game.inning}. {this_game.teams['away'].name} batting!"
if this_game.inning >= this_game.max_innings:
if this_game.teams["home"].score > this_game.teams["away"].score:
this_game.victory_lap = True
state["update_text"] = f"Bottom of {this_game.inning}. {this_game.teams['home'].name} batting!"
elif state["update_pause"] != 1 and test_string != "Game not started.":
if "steals" in this_game.last_update[0].keys():
updatestring = ""
for attempt in this_game.last_update[0]["steals"]:
updatestring += attempt + "\n"
state["update_emoji"] = "💎"
state["update_text"] = updatestring
updatestring = ""
punc = ""
if this_game.last_update[0]["defender"] != "":
punc = ". "
if "fc_out" in this_game.last_update[0].keys():
name, base_string = this_game.last_update[0]['fc_out']
updatestring = f"{this_game.last_update[0]['batter']} {this_game.last_update[0]['text'].value.format(name, base_string)} {this_game.last_update[0]['defender']}{punc}"
updatestring = f"{this_game.last_update[0]['batter']} {this_game.last_update[0]['text'].value} {this_game.last_update[0]['defender']}{punc}"
if this_game.last_update[1] > 0:
updatestring += f"{this_game.last_update[1]} runs scored!"
state["update_emoji"] = "🏏"
state["update_text"] = updatestring
state["bases"] = this_game.named_bases()
state["top_of_inning"] = this_game.top_of_inning
states_to_send[game_time] = state
if state["update_pause"] <= 1 and state["start_delay"] < 0:
if this_game.over:
state["update_pause"] = 2
if state["end_delay"] < 0:
state["end_delay"] -= 1
state["update_pause"] -= 1
global last_update
last_update = states_to_send
socketio.emit("states_update", states_to_send)