301 lines
12 KiB
301 lines
12 KiB
import time, asyncio, json, jsonpickle, random, math, os
import league_storage as league_db
from itertools import chain
from games import team, game
from discord import Embed, Color
data_dir = "data"
league_dir = "leagues"
class league_structure(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def setup(self, league_dic, division_games = 1, inter_division_games = 1, inter_league_games = 1, games_per_hour = 2):
self.league = league_dic #key: subleague, value: {division : team_name}
self.constraints = {
"division_games" : division_games,
"inter_div_games" : inter_division_games,
"inter_league_games" : inter_league_games
self.day = 1
self.schedule = {}
self.series_length = 3 #can be changed
self.game_length = None
self.active = False
self.games_per_hour = games_per_hour
def add_stats_from_game(self, players_dic):
league_db.add_stats(self.name, players_dic)
def update_standings(self, results_dic):
league_db.update_standings(self.name, results_dic)
def last_series_check(self):
return str(math.ceil((self.day)/self.series_length) + 1) in self.schedule.keys()
def day_to_series_num(self, day):
return math.ceil((self.day)/self.series_length)
def find_team(self, team_name):
for subleague in iter(self.league.keys()):
for division in iter(self.league[subleague].keys()):
if team_name in self.league[subleague][division]:
return (subleague, division)
def teams_in_league(self):
teams = []
for division in self.league.values():
for teams_list in division.values():
teams += teams_list
return teams
def teams_in_subleague(self, subleague_name):
teams = []
if subleague_name in self.league.keys():
for division_list in self.league[subleague_name].values():
teams += division_list
return teams
print("League not found.")
return None
def teams_in_division(self, subleague_name, division_name):
if subleague_name in self.league.keys() and division_name in self.league[subleague_name].keys():
return self.league[subleague_name][division_name]
print("Division in that league not found.")
return None
def make_matchups(self):
matchups = []
batch_subleagues = [] #each sub-array is all teams in each subleague
subleague_max = 1
for subleague in self.league.keys():
teams = self.teams_in_subleague(subleague)
if subleague_max < len(teams):
subleague_max = len(teams)
for subleague in batch_subleagues:
while len(subleague) < subleague_max:
for i in range(0, self.constraints["inter_league_games"]): #generates inter-league matchups
unmatched_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(batch_subleagues))]
for subleague_index in range(0, len(batch_subleagues)):
if subleague_index in unmatched_indices:
match_with_index = random.choice(unmatched_indices)
league_a = batch_subleagues[subleague_index].copy()
league_b = batch_subleagues[match_with_index].copy()
a_home = True
for team_a, team_b in zip(league_a, league_b):
if a_home:
matchups.append([team_b.name, team_a.name])
matchups.append([team_a.name, team_b.name])
a_home != a_home
for i in range(0, self.constraints["inter_div_games"]): #inter-division matchups
for subleague in self.league.keys():
division_max = 1
divisions = []
for div in self.league[subleague].keys():
if division_max < len(self.league[subleague][div]):
divison_max = len(self.league[subleague][div])
last_div = None
if len(divisions) % 2 != 0:
if division_max % 2 != 0:
divisions.append(["OFF" for i in range(0, division_max)])
last_div = divisions.pop
divs_a = list(chain(divisions[int(len(divisions)/2):]))[0]
if last_div is not None:
divs_b = list(chain(divisions[:int(len(divisions)/2)]))[0]
if last_div is not None:
a_home = True
for team_a, team_b in zip(divs_a, divs_b):
if a_home:
matchups.append([team_b.name, team_a.name])
matchups.append([team_a.name, team_b.name])
a_home != a_home
for subleague in self.league.keys():
for division in self.league[subleague].values(): #generate round-robin matchups
if len(division) % 2 != 0:
for i in range(0, len(division)-1):
teams_a = division[int(len(division)/2):]
teams_b = division[:int(len(division)/2)]
for team_a, team_b in zip(teams_a, teams_b):
for j in range(0, self.constraints["division_games"]):
if i % 2 == 0:
matchups.append([team_b.name, team_a.name])
matchups.append([team_a.name, team_b.name])
division.insert(1, division.pop())
return matchups
def generate_schedule(self):
matchups = self.make_matchups()
for game in matchups:
scheduled = False
day = 1
while not scheduled:
found = False
if day in self.schedule.keys():
for game_on_day in self.schedule[day]:
for team in game:
if team in game_on_day:
found = True
if not found:
scheduled = True
self.schedule[day] = [game]
scheduled = True
day += 1
class tournament(object):
def __init__(self, name, team_dic, series_length = 5, finals_series_length = 7, max_innings = 9, id = None, secs_between_games = 300, secs_between_rounds = 600):
self.name = name
self.teams = team_dic #key: team object, value: wins
self.bracket = None
self.results = None
self.series_length = series_length
self.finals_length = finals_series_length
self.game_length = max_innings
self.active = False
self.delay = secs_between_games
self.round_delay = secs_between_rounds
self.finals = False
self.id = id
if id is None:
self.id = random.randint(1111,9999)
self.id = id
def build_bracket(self, random_sort = False, by_wins = False, manual = False):
teams_list = list(self.teams.keys()).copy()
if random_sort:
def sorter(team_in_list):
return random.random()
elif by_wins:
def sorter(team_in_list):
return self.teams[team_in_list]["wins"] #sorts by wins
else: #sort by average stars
def sorter(team_in_list):
return team_in_list.average_stars()
if not manual:
teams_list.sort(key=sorter, reverse=True)
bracket_layers = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(teams_list), 2)))
empty_slots = int(math.pow(2, bracket_layers) - len(teams_list))
for i in range(0, empty_slots):
previous_bracket_layer = teams_list.copy()
for i in range(0, bracket_layers - 1):
this_layer = []
for pair in range(0, int(len(previous_bracket_layer)/2)):
if pair % 2 == 0: #if even number
this_layer.insert(0+int(pair/2), [previous_bracket_layer.pop(0), previous_bracket_layer.pop(-1)]) #every other pair goes at front of list, moving forward
this_layer.insert(0-int((1+pair)/2), [previous_bracket_layer.pop(int(len(previous_bracket_layer)/2)-1), previous_bracket_layer.pop(int(len(previous_bracket_layer)/2))]) #every other pair goes at end of list, moving backward
previous_bracket_layer = this_layer
self.bracket = bracket(previous_bracket_layer, bracket_layers)
def round_check(self):
if self.bracket.depth == 1:
self.finals = True
return True
return False
class bracket(object):
this_bracket = []
def __init__(self, bracket_list, depth):
self.this_bracket = bracket_list
self.depth = depth
self.bottom_row = []
def get_bottom_row(self):
self.depth = 1
self.bottom_row = []
return self.bottom_row
def dive(self, branch):
if not isinstance(branch[0], list): #if it's a pair of games
self.depth += 1
return self.dive(branch[0]), self.dive(branch[1])
def set_winners_dive(self, winners_list, index = 0, branch = None, parent = None):
if branch is None:
branch = self.this_bracket.copy()
if not isinstance(branch[0], list): #if it's a pair of games
if branch[0].name in winners_list or branch[1] is None:
winner = branch[0]
if parent is not None:
parent[index] = winner
elif branch[1].name in winners_list:
winner = branch[1]
if parent is not None:
parent[index] = winner
self.set_winners_dive(winners_list, index = 0, branch = branch[0], parent = branch)
self.set_winners_dive(winners_list, index = 1, branch = branch[1], parent = branch)
if parent is None:
self.this_bracket = branch
return branch
def save_league(this_league):
if not league_db.league_exists(this_league.name):
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, league_dir, this_league.name, f"{this_league.name}.league"), "w") as league_file:
league_json_string = jsonpickle.encode(this_league.league, keys=True)
json.dump(league_json_string, league_file, indent=4)
return True
def load_league_file(league_name):
if league_db.league_exists(league_name):
state = league_db.state(league_name)
this_league = league_structure(league_name)
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, league_dir, league_name, f"{this_league.name}.league")) as league_file:
this_league.league = jsonpickle.decode(json.load(league_file), keys=True, classes=team)
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, league_dir, league_name, f"{this_league.name}.state")) as state_file:
state_dic = json.load(state_file)
return this_league |